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you picked: "go after jimin".



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warning: use of alcohol, and self-harm.


taehyung felt too guilty to just watch jimin go, he had to go after the older boy.

with shaky hands and a bitten bottom lip, he walks out of his room and to the top of the stairwell, the sound of jimin's muffled sobs into someone's shoulder was audible and it hurt taehyung impossibly more.

'just do it, tae.' he told himself.

he nodded to himself hesitantly and took one slow step at a time down the stairs, being quiet with his steps to they couldn't hear them. he knew they would all go after him and yell at him once they saw him but he had to try and make up with jimin and apologise.

once he hit the bottom of the stairwell, he tiptoed around the corner as slowly as he could, starting to regret his decision as he heard the voices of not only jimin's stuttering sobs, but the other members talking about taehyung. and that scared him to no end.

taehyung took a slow, shaky breath before peeking around the corner, the whole living room in sight.

he walked out a little more and that's when everyone's heads, except for jimin's, snapped up to see who it was.

"taehyung." seokjin simply said.

the older slowly made his way to taehyung. with each step, he felt himself getting more nervous. seokjin stopped right in front of taehyung, his face shows no emotion. "taehyung, can you explain why jimin is crying like this?" his voice blank, no emotion showing, no anger, no sadness, nothing.

taehyung flinched. everyone flinched. they had never seen seokjin like this. even namjoon had stopped crying and hid behind hoseok.

"i-i.." was all taehyung could muster up.

the older let out a shaky breath. he clenched his fist and took in a deep breath. "can you please understand that we all want to help you? we all see that you're not alright. and what did you do? all you ever do these days is ignore and let your anger and stress out on us. i know you're stressed and shit, but tae, we are all tired, we are all stressed. i'm fucking stressed. i clean this whole fucking dorm. i'm trying to cook as much as i can for all of you. i try to take care of the littles and namjoon. i try to practice to show the fucking managers that i'm not useless. i'm fucking stressed, too, okay? you made jimin cry when he checked up on you. i'm done with all of your shit taehyung. until you can make up your fucking mind, don't talk to me!" seokjin glared. he let out a frustrated groan and stomped off to his room, slamming the door harshly.

p.s. help meHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin