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Knock knock knock

Yea i may have also forgotten my keys and no im not scared.... I think, maybe, kinda.

Keith and Shiro lured protectively over me as i knocked. We heard some noises behind the door and in a couple of seconds the door opened revealing a well dressed Lotor.

"Lance! You're okay!" Lotor beamed when he saw me and his face was washed with relief until he saw Shiro and Keith. For a second he hesitated but then smiled at them.

"Hello im Lotor, Lance boyfriend" he extended his arm to shake Shiro's hand to introduce himself

"Shiro and this is my boyfriend Keith. Uh we bumped into Lance last night and him being a long time friend we decided to catch up on life over some drinks, it was getting pretty late so he crashed in our place. Hope you don't mind" Shiro returned the smile giving Lotor a fake explanation on why i was with them.

"Not at all im just happy he's okay"

When Lotor tried shaking Keith's hand Keith made his sour face and crossed his arms.

I just stood there trying not to get in the way hoping Shiro and Keith left as soon as possible but my dreams were crushed when Lotor invited them in for some tea.

We walked in into my apartment, even though it had only been a day i had missed it. I had missed the comfy sofa, Lotor had let me pick out when we first moved in and i had missed the smell of cinnamon the apartment gave off, it was something that I've known for years and came to love.

The three of us had sat down on the couch as Lotor went into the kitchen to make some tea. There was this silence that i couldn't exactly pin point why it  made me uncomfortable. But it was broken when Lotor spoke up.

"Im sorry if lance caused any trouble but im very thankful you let him stay with you. I was worried sick about him and it only made it worst when i realized he had left his phone behind." He gave two cups of tea to Shiro and Keith but only Shiro accepted the cup.

"No problem, it was actually pretty nice having him around he gives off a calming aura" Shiro said as he examined the cup and Lotor sat in front of us on the chair. A smile grew on my face as my cheeks became warm.

Lotor looked at me and gave me a chilling smile.

"Well if you'd like to stay im making Quiche au Saumon et Crevettes it would be my pleasure to have you for dinner" he sipped at his tea awaiting for Shiro's answer.

"Thank you but we just had dinner and we must get going it's getting pretty late" shiro replied giving another friendly smiled as he stood up.

"You don't have to stay Lance" keith whispered to me as i walked them to the door "you can come stay with us"
I hugged him and thanked him and did the same for Shiro.

"Bye Lance don't forget to call more oft-" Shiro was cut off by lotor slamming the door shut. I flinched at the sound.

"I can't believe you whored yourself with some filthy punks. Disgusting" he hissed at me as he walked into the kitchen.
Heheh im trying my best to make this book as interesting as i can but i don't think it's working😅 im sorry

Safe (Shklance)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz