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Of course the room was dark the only light source was a red lamp in the corner. The room was kinda small, a rundown couch a coffee table and a wardrobe. The man was searching for something in the wardrobe and came out with a gray blanket. He tossed it to me and with my amazing reflexes i catch it with my face.

"Warm up you might catch a cold" he gestured to the couch. Was he being nice to me? My fingers had turn to there normal color and my teeth weren't shaking anymore. Which was a good sign.

I sat on the hard couch snuggling with the soft warm blanket. The guy stared at me as if he was looking for something, his eyes felt intense and i shivered even though i was warm.

"My names Shiro by the way" he said standing by the door frame 

"Lance" i mumbled trough the blankets. He just gave me a warm smiled and walked out closing the door. I brought my knees to my chest and winced.

What was i doing?
It was almost Christmas and i was god knows where with somebody i just met. But i don't have many options, i was lucky i met Shiro or ill would've been dead in a ditch by now.

The door opened arubtly revealing Shiro and another punk it looked like they were arguing but when they saw lance they stoped. The guy was way shorter than Shiro he wore black clothes except a red leather jacket, he was drenched in sweat his hair sticking to his forehead and was that a mullet?

"Lance this is Keith" Shiro pointed at the punk. Keith didn't look amused he had a sour look on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest. In a way he looked scarier than Shiro.

Shiro just chuckled "Don't mind him too much after a concert he gets tired and grumpy" He put his hand on Keith shoulder and rubbed his arm and Keith's face relaxed a little.

Shiro sat next to lance but still giving him enough space, Lance appreciated that. Keith sat on top of Shiro and that made lance heart jump for some reason. Keith was showing what was his territory, that's understandable.

"So lance can i ask what you were doing in the streets alone at night?" Shiro said as he hold Keith by the waist with a ...... metal arm??

"I-uhm its kinda a long story" i said looking away from his arm.

"We're all ears" Keith sight. His eyes were droopy and his attention was on the floor.

I mustered up all my courage and spoke "My boyfriend and i got into a fight... he got kinda violente so i left" i was starring at the floor i was sick to the stomach.

The two boys just stared at me, i couldn't tell what they were thinking but they had soft expressions.

Shiro spoke first " what about your family?"

"They live in Cuba" i shrugged, my eyes started to water again god i missed them so much. Mama and papa were probably doing empanadas and tamales while the kid's watched a movie.

"Lance you can stay with with us i mean if you want. You could sleep in the couch" shiro said.

" i-i don't wanna bother, you barely met me and i can just barge in somebody house like that especially on christmas im not like that i can just find a motel or somet-" Shiro interrupted me.

"Lance we're inviting you, its okay" he had a genuine smile. Keith had lit a cigarette and started smoking really not paying attention whats so ever. I knew it was probably wrong going to a strangers house but i didn't really care and of course i took the offer i mean whats the worst that could happened.

Hopefully i can make this better 😅💕

Safe (Shklance)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora