Christmas movies

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After breakfast everything turned backed to normal, well as normal as this was. Shiro had given me one of Keith's black sweat pants and shirts to change into. He led me to their bathroom to shower.

I took a long warm shower forgetting about everything, i just felt the warm water wash away all my troubles, soothing my bruised body.

My mind wondered to Shiro he was being so nice and warm. Keith was also acting very protective and caring, well in his own way.
I don't deserve any of this.

By the end of the shower i had over thought the situation so much that i felt sick. I changed to the dark clothes keith had let me borrow. I felt weird, usually my clothes we're colorful because they made me feel happier more confident.

I stepped into the living room with the oversized shirt and comfy sweats. Shiro was reading a book and Keith was resting his head on his lap watching some christmas special on tv. It was so natural and heartwarming that a smile crept across my face.

"You feel better?" Keith said lifting his head from Shiros lap to look at me. I saw a shimmer in his tongue, like a piercing.

"Yes, thank you again for letting me stay" i smiled at them.

"Today's are day off and we usually go out but it's a bit snowy. We can stay home and relax, do you wanna watch some christmas movies?" I nodded but the warm feeling never left, that sounded nice.

We sat on the couch, Keith sat on the middle cuddling Shiro like usual and giving me enough space to be comfortable. During the whole time my mind wondered to the situation at hand, i knew i couldn't be here for long Lotor's going to get worried and he'll start looking for me.

By the 3rd movie my eyes were getting droopy and heavy. I knew Shiro and Keith were trying to avoid the topic of Lotor but i dint really care, i felt good here. My eyes were closed and i was ready to drift off to sleep when i heard Keith and Shiro whisper.

"You won't actually let him go back right? He's not safe with him, Shiro" i was to long gone to hear the rest and again i fell asleep.

Hope you guy's enjoyed it💕

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