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Dinner was very awkward and i mean AWKWARD. First shiro tried lightning up the mood by making small talk but it either ended in Keith making a sarcastic comment or a salty remark. But eventually Shiro gave up and stoped trying, afterwards it was painfully silent.

Shiro made some mouth watering pasta and it was to die for! Unfortunately i was stuffed after eating 2 full plates but i still wanted to keep eating. Even though i wanted the akward situation to end i ate as slow as i could and my heart sank when we finished all the food.


"Hey Lance are you ready? I wanna go before it gets too dark so you can get home safe and sound" Shiro asked.

"Ah yes!" I shouted from the bathroom looking at my reflection. I took another deep breath before i walked out to the living room. Shiro and Keith were both waiting for me with their jackets on and ready to go. I rushed to put on my pink sweater catching up to them.

A smile grew in my face when i realized keith walked closer to me than yesterday night, he may be grumpy but he had the biggest heart. I turned to him and gave him a big smile, as a thank you for not hating me. He returned the favor with a small but genuine smile and that made my heart warm.

. . .

We we're in the truck driving to my apartment when Keith spoke up unexpectedly.

"So Lance, why do you love Lotor?"

That definitely caught me off guard. Why did i love him? that was a good question.

"I guess he took me in when i had nobody. He was there when i needed someone the most and he hasn't abandoned me. We may have are ups and downs but he says he loves me"

Keith just nodded and didn't say anything.

Then out of know where the stench of cigarettes entered my nose and i subconsciously scrunch up my face. Why would anyone smoke? its gross, leaves bad breathe and slowly kills you!! Then out of the corner of my eye i saw Shiro smoking.

"Why do you both smoke?" I asked because i was genuinely curious and this time i got them off gard. They both stuttered trying to look for an answer but both failed. I giggled at their reactions it was fun seeing them so lost because of a simple question.

We got to my apartment after getting lost 6 times because i had amazing skills of giving directions. It didn't look like they minded though after the whole cigarette incident we started playing eye spy, to say the least i don't think Keith understood the game very well Shiro and i always ended up in laughter.

I opened the door to the truck when i heard shiro and Keith getting off too.

"Ah what are you guys doing?" I really didn't think it was the best idea for them to meet Lotor especially if they looked like punks from head to toe!

"We just wanna drop you off at your doorstep, so we know you made it home safely" Shiro replied with a smile and dropping his 2nd cigarette.

I nodded my head but i felt anxious i was scared but i guess Keith noticed and rubbed my shoulder. I appreciated the gesture because it did calmed me down bit after a few seconds i got the courage to keep walking. My apartment wasn't as fancy or big as Shiro's or Keith's but it's what I've called home for years.

"Oh before i forget, here" Keith whispered and handed me a crumbled paper. I took a quick glance at it and saw a few numbers.

"It's my phone number, in case you want to hang out again"  he added as we continued to walk up the stairs.

After we got to the third floor i stoped and breathed. Shiro and Keith are nice people, Lotor is too why am i so worried?

I mean what's the worst that could happen?

Who knows maybe Lotor isn't that bad right guys. :))

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