I cracked an egg open as it sizzled onto the oil. As weird as it sounded, I'd rather listen to egg sizzle than Prince flipping through magazine pages. 

I turned around to grab a plate for the eggs, luckily catching a quick glimpse of Prince staring at me. He immediately looked back at the new edition of Playboy. As I acquired a porcelain plate off the shelves, I felt a pot of anger boil inside of me. Did that heffa have a staring problem or something?

I went back to the stove to flip the egg over. Roc, Ray, and Prince were lucky I took the older-man-here role and prepared breakfast for them as well. If I weren't the eldest, I'd probably only be flipping eggs for me and Nicole. But nah, I was that nice of a guy. Not to mention the happiest at that.

"So how was your date?" Prince unexpectedly peeped up. I wasn't expecting such an aggravating voice to speak, that I nearly popped the egg yolk due to sudden conversation. We barely were on speaking terms ever since that incident back in 2011.

Shocked, I almost stopped myself from replying to him. "It was.. great." I replied, but refused to look at him in the eye. I was hesitant at first, mostly because both of us know that what I had said was completely false. Who was I kidding, anyway? Yesterday was the best time of my life, no exaggeration what so ever. I was mainly happy because I got to spend the entire day with Nicole. Of course, however, I did take advantage of our time together. Pulling her into freezing water was not on my to-do list, but then I started to question why wasn't it on it?

Prince scoffed, only making the already existing anger build on expand. "You sure?" He sarcastically questioned me. "Or were you on two dates? You came back pretty late, player boy." He chuckled at his comment. 

I dropped the spatula and directed my whole body towards smirking Prince. My veins were popping out and I was, without a doubt, heated. 

He didn't have to involve Nicole into this; that was just a new type of low. Nicole was nothing compared to "other side hoes". She was independent and intelligent -- the two I's.

"I told you for how many fucking times that she kissed me! Man, this shit was a year ago! How the fuck can you not believe a brother?!" 

"Man, don't even call yourself a brother!" Prince howled back. By the way his miniscule muscles were, I could comprehend that he was as tensed as I was. "A brother of mine don't play shit like that! Especially when it involves his girlfriend!" 

I flipped him a birdy. "Fuck off!"  

Prince slammed the magazine onto the coffee table, causing a loud smack to roar in the room. "Whatever." 

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Prince intending to leave the irated room. I didn't even bother to check where he was headed, simply because I didn't bother if he was safe and alive or dead and buried.

It was illogical that he didn't believe me, the guy who was there for him way before that hoe came in the picture. He was simply a wimp for not even thinking twice about that situation. 

"You say that now," I was almost shocked I had some senseless in me. "But when you see me and Nicole making out on the front page, you'll be bawling your eyes out."

I was astonished that I had fibbed, but I didn't mind to correct my words at all. I loved meddling with him, mostly because he left me dumbfounded. I knew Prince liked Nicole -- hell, everybody knew that. Maybe even Nicole, but then again, girls were blind when they saw starstruck guys right infront of them.  

I noticed Prince turn towards my direction. He opened his lips to say something, but Ray entered the room.

I heaved a breath, I felt like a champion saying the last word. 

"Bro, you might wanna check on your girlfriend." Ray uttered, plopping himself sloppily on the couch.

I saw Prince turn crimson when Ray said "girlfriend". I knew he hated us being "together", and that only made me want to be with her even more. Having Prince upset fed my pleasure, as insane as it sounded. I mean, you'd be like this if your main friends assumed what had taken place then treated you like bull. All I seeked for was revenge up that asshole's asshole.

"Why?" I asked Ray, trying to hide that smirk completely plastered on my face. 

"When I came in the room, she had the whole blanket covering herself." I chuckled. "Dude, seriously. It's like a hundred degrees outside and she said she was cold! Like, what the hell?"

Nicole was different -- unique, as I say -- and that was what I loved about her. She wasn't like those plastics you see with nine inch heels and caked makeup. And she definitely wasn't a pimpled nerd obsessed with re-reading our Calculus textbook. Nicole had style, humour, beauty, and damn did she have brains. Even back in grade school, she was blessed with all that. Sometimes it made me wonder why she was deliberately picked on.

As much as I hated admitting it, but even with all the anger I had for Princeton, I knew why he fell for Nicole. She was one of those well-rounded chicks you'd have a one in a million chance meeting. And if you did meet her, you'd fall in love with her immediately. I was lucky to call her mine... well, partially lucky.

"Where is she?" I was surprised Prince actually had the balls to ask.

"She said she'll be down in a minute." Ray shook his head and humped his shoulders. "Girls these days."

Just then, Roc appeared in the kitchen. He had on some black jeans and a red shirt labeled "bandits". He also had a jacket, Vans, and a Bulls snapback on. I'd be lying if I said he didn't look pretty spiffy -- no rainbows.

"Lookin' sharp," Ray complimented while giving him a dap. "Where ya headed?"

"Remember that chick Colby we met back in the Pittsburg concert?" He smiled in delight. "Well, I have a date with her!"

"Woah woah woah! The brunette?" Roc nodded. "She's fucking hot, bro!"

"I know!!" Roc cheekily beamed and Ray gave him another dap. The day we performed for Pittsburg was the day we picked up Nicole at the airport. I was extremely happy that day, so I guess this "Colby" girl didn't catch my attention. Whatever it was, I hope Roc was doing a right thing into going on a date with this girl. He knows how our fans are...

"When ya leaving?" Prince inquired.

Roc looked at the clock. It was ten after nine. "Now, actually." 

My eyes bulged. "What? But I just cooked your egg!" 

"Dude, that shit is burnt!" I gaped at the frying pan in complete awe, making a quick journey to immediately turn the black stove off. As I whisked away some smoke dubris, I realized that the whites were the complete opposite color and the yolk was basically crippled. "And I asked for two eggs, not one!"


Roc chuckled to himself. "Well, see ya guys." He threw the deuces sign and left the room, as I dumped some messed up egg in the trashcan.

Fake Behavior (A Mindless Behavior Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant