Ch 24: Izuku & Leo

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The thin paper walls surrounded him. Their soft paintings of beauty and elegance only adding to the disgust Izuku felt. His stomach turned as he looked around groggily. He could barely feel his body. The room was drowning in a deep red reminiscent of lustful feelings. As the teen looked around he spotted a figure wearing a gown. It was soft and flowing yet fit to the figures frame. Izuku let his eyes wander upward the lean and tall figure. When his eyes finally made it to the top, he seen them. Those eyes that were an electric purple that flooded with greed and disgust.

"Looks like your ready for another lover~" the woman cooed in disgust behind her fan. When Izuku heard that voice his entire body froze up. He didn't want to be here again he didn't want to do this again. Izuku's breathing got caught in his throat his teeth gritting together.

"FUCK!!!" Izuku screamed as he shot up the teen frantically looked around. There were bars surrounding him and a group of people standing just beyond them. Izuku ragged and uneven breathing stopped all together. He couldn't feel anything Izuku continued to search frantically through the crowd.

//he has to be somewhere!!! I know it wasn't all in my head!!!// Izuku screamed in his thoughts.


"Dammit why didn't you wake me up sooner..." Izuku heard Katsuki growl lowley. That breath that Izuku was holding, finally released and he relaxed a little. The green eyed teen then moved to the front of his cage and tried to search for Katsuki in the crowd. When Izuku touched the bares he seen the heroes visibly flinch and take a step back. Izuku knitted his brows together and looked at their expressions for an answer. What he saw was something that he was very familiar with.


Their entire faces were covered in an expression of fear and unsertintenty. Izuku finally remembered the events of the previous night. The metallic smell of blood and the pain of being shocked. Izuku gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"You know Kacchan this little rink-a-dink cage isn't going to hold me." Izuku chuckled as he looked at the blonde emerging from the crowd. The look on Bakugo's face made Izuku's stomach turn. It was the same look he was given during middle school.

"Why'd you kill him and who are you?" Katsuki growled while curling his fists smoke slowly rising from them. Izuku's face scrunched up in confusion at Katsuki's question.

"So now you don't believe it's me, do you?" Izuku asked while lazily resting his head against the cold metal bars.

"Izuku....Izuku Midoriya died a year and a half ago, I'm an idiot for thinking that you were him..." Bakugo spat while glaring down at Izuku. "Izuku wanted to be a hero not some cold hearted lying son of a bitch villain." Bakugo growled at Izuku. The green haired teen just stared at Katsuki.

"You thought I was dead?!?" Izuku asked in surprise. The teen had found out about his mom's death but didn't know about his own. Bakugo continued to just glare at Izuku in that cage.

"Well at least you made it into UA for the both of us...You should of just left me to rot kacch-"

"DON'T YOU"Bakugo growled lowly his teeth grinding together. The look on Izuku's face was a mix of sadness and betrayal.

" always hated that name growing up....But I'd rather you hate me like this then to have a bullet put between your eyes..." Izuku stated letting go of the bars and sitting down. He figured something like this would happen but it still hurt.

"I'm sorry I-" Izuku tried to apologize to Bakugo but was interrupted.

"SHUT UP!" this time it was Todoroki that was getting pissed off. The teen had fallen for Tsukauchi and Izuku had taken that from him. Though no one was expecting what happened next. Izuku easily pushed the metal bars to the side with his hand. Then the teen stood up his eyes dead and cold. His entire demeanor was totally different from when he was arguing with Bakugo. Instead of looking hurt and sitting down. He looked cold and intimidating. Izuku then stepped out of the cage and stepped up to Todoroki.

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