Ch 18: Jörmungandr (YOUR-mun-gand)

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" Where the hell are we going Aizawa?" Enji spat angrily. Do to political and other binding reasons All Might wasn't able to accompany the teens. Though being the number two hero Enji could without much question.

"Tsukauchi took me here a little while before camp. I have a feeling whatever is on that map has something to do with this place." Aizawa stated making the treo following him slightly confused.

"What type of place would this happen to be Aizawa?" Enji questioned wondering how far Aizawa would be taking them in the crime riddled part of Tokyo.

"It's pretty close to the center of it all but once you see what we seen you'll understand." Aizawa said as he continued to lead the group further in. Bakugo hadn't said a word since he woke. Something was telling him he shouldn't of even gotten out of bed let alone opened his eyes today. The teen looked around as the group walked through downtown Tokyo. They were getting closer to the red light district by the second and it made Katsuki's stomach turn. The teen started to remember how he would sometimes go over to Inko and Izuku's apartment to go keep an eye on Inko. It was rare for him to visit them but on occasion his mom wouldn't be able to make it. Katsuki had no idea what Izuku was doing when he would leave two hours after school and stay out until god knows when. Though Katsuki figured Izuku just worked night shift at a convenience store or something, at least that's what he wanted to think.

"We're here." Aizawa stated snapping Katsuki out of his thoughts. The three following Aizawa looked around at the trashy and graffitied alleyway.

"Umm, Aizawa are you sure this is the place?" Enji asked wondering if Aizawa had gotten hit in the head a few to many times.

"It's through this door." Aizawa said pointing to the door that blended in with the alley a bit too well. The other three made an 'o' sound while looking at the door. Aizawa just shook his head and knocked on the door. Unlike last time there was no response, Aizawa knocked again and again yet there was no response. Enji pulled Aizawa aside and started to whisper with him probably worried about Aizawa's mental state.

While the two heroes began to argue with one another the two teens just stared at the door. Bakugo couldn't help but feel a strange pull towards the door same for Todoroki. There was something off maybe it was just their curiosity but maybe it was something else. There were a numerous amount of quirks out there and new ones were being discovered everyday so there was no telling. Following his gut feeling Bakugo pushed on the door and it opened. The two heroes stopped conversing immediately and turned toward the students.

"Told you it was through this door." Aizawa huffed still annoyed with Enji's questions. The redhead simply felt embarrassed and dropped the subject. The group walked through the door to find, ashes.

"What the hell is this place?" Enji asked while looking around. Bakugo just observed seeing the tall trees towering over the ash and dirt filled opening. There were ashes everywhere like someone had run through and burned whatever was here to the ground.

"This wasn't here the last time?" Aizawa stated just as confused as the others. The last time he was here there was a market filled with people and all different types of merchandise. As the group was looking around the was looking around Aizawa stopped. He was facing the door and his stomach flipped. The goop that had bowed his head and let them in when Izuku stated he was the reaper was now a statue.

"We should find a different way to get to the location on the map." Aizawa stated as he rushed towards the door. The others followed only for the door to slam shut with a loud 'BANG' the statue in front of it shattering. When Todoroki glanced at it he felt a shiver go down his spine, a look of horror and fright was imprinted on the face of the figure.

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