Ch 23: Copy

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Izuku and Katsuki followed Aizawa to Tsukauchi's and Leo's room. When they were a little less than ten feet away from the room Izuku stopped. Bakugo turned to look at his childhood friend and seen Izuku's face was green.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Izuku said while racing around the corner to the bathroom. Before he started vomiting up his dinner from the previous night. Bakugo and Aizawa ran after the teen to find him clutching his stomach and sitting on the floor next to a toilet.

"Was there a guy here, cherry red hair, wine red eyes, a complete asshole?" Izuku asked before vomiting up stomach acids.

"...Yeah some guy named Leo but we couldn't do much about it." Aizawa said as he went over to rub soothing circles on Izuku's back.

"Shit....well, at least that explains the smell." Izuku said while going to the sink and splashing some water on his face. The teen then grabbed a paper towel and wiped his face while leaning his back up against the sink.

"What smell?" Bakugo blurted wondering what the hell Izuku was talking about. Izuku rubbed the back of his neck feeling uneasy.

"....well, it has to do with his quirk among other things." Izuku stated trying to avoid that topic. "Whenever he was here, did he put his hands on you or say anything out of line did he?" Izuku asked that same feeling from the night Leo left started to fill the room. Bakugo felt a shiver travel down his spine.

"No." That was all Bakugo could muster. After Bakugo choked that out Izuku visibly relaxed. Izuku then opened the bathroom door. To find all of class 1-A leaning against the door and wall.

"Seems like you fuckers don't know what a private conversation is." Izuku sighed in annoyance as he head to Leo's room, Bakugo walking beside him. Again Izuku felt like vomiting but forced himself to continue. Aizawa opened the door and the smell was almost unbearable.

The group's attention was soon captured by Tsukauchi. Who was coughing up blood over the edge of the bed. When the teen looked up his emerald eyes clashed like fire with Izuku's jade ones. Bakugo and Aizawa immediately ran to his side only for Tsukauchi to slam Aizawa's head into the nightstand. The teen the pulled Bakugo by his arm and put a gun to his temple.

"You either come with me or I'm blowing his brains out." Tsukauchi said blood leaking from the corners of his mouth. Izuku just leaned up against the desk next to the door and pulled out a drawer. The teen then pulled out a black and mild cigar and a lighter.

"You know..."Izuku paused as he lit his cigar. "They made you really fucking stupid this time." Izuku stated numbly while smoking the cancer stick.

"I'd say they did the opposite, I have you backed into a corner dumbass." Tsukauchi spat pressing the cold barel closer to Bakugo's head.

"Alright I'll give you that you do in fact have me backed into a corner. But do you think it's very smart to back a mutt into a corner?" Izuku asked continuing to smoke the cigar and lean against the desk. Tsukauchi scoffed.

"Yeah I do 'cause I know everything about you." Tsukauchi seethed while glaring at Izuku. The jade eyed teen just chuckled.

"Really now, so you know everything about me?" Izuku asked his cigar starting to come to a finish. Izuku finally stood up on his own and looked at the cigar or what was left of it.

"Yeah I do, you gettin' scared." Tsukauchi stated with confidence. Yet there was no response from Izuku for several moments as he just stared at his cigar.

"...Then you should of known I don't like when people touch what belongs to me." Izuku stated cold enough to make even the pros shiver in a momentary fear.

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