Ch 10: Skeletons

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After Leo's deal with Izuku the red head called in some people to get the heroes to safety. Of course the heroes were very skeptical of Leo's intentions. They didn't know who he was nor what his intentions were beyond finding Izuku. When everyone got to UA Nezu was the first to speak with Leo.

"I'm Nezu I'm the principle here at UA, your staff already informed me of you." Nezu stated with a reached out paw to Leo. Only for Leo to nod and to continue to the infirmary where Izuku was. Nezu was a bit irritated by Leo's rude action but decided it would be best to have this man on their side. When the two got to the infirmary Leo was met with an elderly woman's glaring eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?!?!" Recovery Girl was fuming. After she had seen Izuku's scars for the first time she had instinctively become protective of the boy. Leo just ignored her and sat down on the bed next to Izuku.

"A lot of things are wrong with me but what I need to know is his current condition. I haven't been able to watch his dieting and training for several years now so i want a detailed report on his current health." Leo ordered while he lit up a cigarette. Recovery Girl was stunned by just how rude Leo was being.

"If you can't do it then I'll just get one of my specialist do to it." Leo stated unfazed by the hero's attitudes towards him. Recovery Girl was ready to hit this man over the head with her syringe but knew better.

"I can do it just fine, do not underestimate my skills as a healer." the elderly woman stated firmly.

Meanwhile the class had already gotten treated by Recovery Girl. Everyone was worried and their feelings were all over the place. They didn't know what to do about Tsukauchi or the asshole that backed them into a corner.

"I think that it would be best if we all keep our spirits up over the remainder of the holiday an-" Iida was cut off by Katsuki glaring at him. The blond didn't need to use words to express his opinion. He was angry, frustrated, and pissed off that Tsukauchi had to be the one to save him. It wasn't that he wasn't grateful but it pissed him off that he was still so weak. Ever since Tsukauchi showed up he kept having his face rubbed in the fact that he couldn't save anyone. Hell he couldn't even save himself how the hell was he supposed to be a hero.

"Don't worry about your stupid spirits just get stronger dumbasses." Katsuki growled as he started walking home the anger still glowing in his eyes. The others didn't know what to say, they knew that Katsuki was right but how were they supposed to beat Leo?

While on his way home Katsuki stopped by the old park he used to visit with Izuku when they were little. When Izuku first disappeared he had wished to somehow catch a glimpse of him in this park. Everyday he would come by and sit in the swing set for a while. That wish always at the back of his mind. It wasn't until the third month of Izuku's disappearance did it truelly hit home that he wasn't coming back.

Of course the fuckers at his school didn't help. There were rumors that stuck with him even in his sleep. Many of the students and teachers had started saying that he had become a villain. They all assumed that a freak like him got his brain even more scrambled by the sludge villain. There were rumors saying that he had been seen walking around in the red light district. Others said that they seen him walking around with some gang members. Some even started talking about how he lived in a crime filled part of town. There were all sorts of rumors though somehow Inko and Izuku always had just enough money to pay all of the bills even the medical one's for Inko.

And now he was having his face rubbed in his own flaws making him remember all this shit. It was all thanks to that bastard Tsukauchi. It didn't even make sense, how could a guy get into UA after the entrance exams. It was basically unheard of, not even All Might could've done that, yet he did. On top of this he had recommendations from both the principle and all the top heroes including All Might himself. Then at the sports festival All Might even seemed wary of him. Well he did knock everyone out in under a minute. The only reason he had won was because Tsukauchi had forfeited.Then during the exams he aced everything and even had All Might on the ground. Tsukauchi even noticed things about Katsuki that no one outside of the people closest to him should notice. Then during the events that happened only hours ago.....

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