Ch 22: Back To The Surface

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After the party everyone went back to their rooms. Izuku of course went back drunk like a sailor with Heena and they of course fucked again. Being locked up and without any way to release lets just say he was pretty pent up. Bakugo and Todoroki just went back to their room and knocked out like a light. Same with the pros they were all too exhausted to think of anything else. The entire village slept soundlessly through the night.

Except for Izuku, sleep was complete torture for the young teen. Tormented and chased by the ghosts of his past. He would never be able to close his eyes in peace. Tonight was no better after having fun with Heena the drunken teen fell asleep. Still his mind raced through the blackened surroundings. The teen walked around in the empty void soon enough a door appeared. It was a simple sliding paper door with a few flowers painted on it. Izuku slid the door open to see a blood stained room.

"So it's one of these..." Izuku muttered to himself as he continued to scan the room. There was a table in the middle, an overhead light, a few small stands beside the table, and an overpowering stench that made his nose scrunch. Izuku stepped further into the cement room there was nothing else but a few cabinets and a sink. When Izuku fully came into the room everything disappeared from the room. Instead it was replaced with a figure standing directly across from him. Usually this is how things would go. Izuku would walk into a room. There would be a few objects to remind him of where he was. This time it happened to be an operating room. Then it'd all fanish except for the room itself and a figure would appear.

"Who is it this time?" Izuku questioned aloud as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He was rewarded with silence. The teen tilted his head and tried to walk closer to the smaller female figure. That's when it raised its head. That thing that was looking at him happened to resemble his mother quiet closely.

"I haven't seen you here in a while." Izuku stated bluntly his eyes looking empty and cold. The figure that stood before him was the corpse of his long gone mother. The very woman he had loved and cried over so many times. Izuku had taken it hard whenever he heard his mom had died. Then some fuckers wanted to see how far they could push his mental state, to use him like a fucking lab rat, and completely ignore the fact of him being a living being. They resurrected his mom's corpse, they didn't care what the damage to him might be. All those bastards cared about were their ridiculous results.

"What do you want?" Izuku asked glaring daggers at the meat sack that used to belong to his ill mom. Again Izuku was answered with silence. The agitating feeling only grew in his stomach as the figure refused to answer him.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU FUCKING WANT WITH ME?!?!? HUH?" Izuku scream his fists shaking. It was one thing for him to have to live with the memories of this event but to have to relive it over and over again was something else entirely.

"DO YOU FIND FUCKING JOY IN TORMENTING ME LIKE THIS?!?!? Is it fun for you or are you just some mindless piece of..." Izuku stopped himself even if it was just her corpse that rested in his memories. It was still his mom and he couldn't continue with this the tears had already been flowing for a while now. He could feel his entire body shaking with rage, frustration, irritation, confusion, and hatred for himself.

" always wanted to be the hero..." Her voice was barely above a whisper yet it reached Izuku's ears. The teen shot his head up and stared at the corpse in confusion. She had never spoken before this. The teens mind was racing maybe....maybe this was his mom? Still he knew it couldn't be her not with all those scars that stitched her up like a teddy bear.

"...but they have never once tried to help please don't trust in those kind words that they try to sway you with..." The figure stated as it lifted it's head again to reveal a torn and stitched back together face. Izuku felt the bile build at the back of his throat but pushed it down.

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