Ch 13: Little Lamb

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The rest of the break flew by and a day before school started everyone moved into their dorms. It was two to a dorm and each class had their own floor. Girls to the left and boys to the right, with a kitchen and lounge in the middle of the rooms. Two teachers were also assigned to a floor one being male and the other female. Class 1-A was assigned the first floor thanks to none other than Leo.

Over the long break that seemed like it was never ending. Leo had stayed right next to Izuku. He didn't eat anything nor drink all he did was smoke a cigarette and sit right next to him. Of course Recovery Girl tried to tell him to quite and go smoke outside but he didn't even move. It wasn't until Izuku woke up that he lazily turned his eyes toward the younger teen.

"It was her again wasn't it?" Leo questioned in a raspy and hoarse voice. The smoke had taken its toll on him and he felt like shit. Izuku couldn't even bring himself to nod, he just wanted to forget.

"What day is it?" Izuku asked feeling like he had been out for a while now.

"Your break is almost up you only have a day left." Leo stated while putting out the cigarette in the ashtray next to him. Izuku's emerald eyes slowly drifted over to the ashtray and trash can filled with cigarette buds and ashes.

"You were worried weren't you?" Izuku asked while leaning forward to look at Leo. A small smile started to crack on Izuku's face when he seen that look in Leo's flaming eyes.

"I really love this side of you, you know that." Izuku said while hugging Leo. It was moments like this that Izuku cherished the most. Of course they didn't occur often nor did they ever last long.

"It's seems you've finally woken up young Tsukauchi!" All Might chuckled as he walked through the door running their moment. Izuku pulled away from Leo who continued to just sit there and watch the older male come closer to the pair.

"Just spit it out already." Leo growled becoming more and more impatention. All Might rung his hands a few times before clearing his throat to speak.

"Nezu and the others wanted to know how long you would be staying, if you don't mind sharing." All Might spoke nervously as he didn't want to step on a landmine. All Might had heard from the others what Leo's strength was like. If this man could toss Izuku around like a rag doll and Izuku not even put up a fight at all. Then to put it simply they were all screwed.

"......I'm not sure myself but if he doesn't leave I'm not leaving." Leo stated after thinking for a moment. A sweat drop rolled down All Might's forehead as he nodded. All Might wasn't sure how the others would react to the response but he had to tell them.

After All Might left Leo laid down his head resting on Izuku's shoulder. Leo was tired even though he hadn't done much for weeks he was worrying himself. With every moment that Izuku stayed in his slumber it worried Leo even more.

"Why'd you come looking for me?" Izuku asked as he re-adjusted so that the both of them were more comfortable. Silence filled the room as Leo thought about his response.

"It... you're a nice toy compared to the others..." Leo stated while burying his face further into Izuku's neck. After that no more needed to be said and the two just layed there.

Meanwhile All Might reported to the others who were waiting in the conference room.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!" President Mic yelled. The others were also riddled with concern.

"Like I said he doesn't have reason to leave right now...." All Might stated as he wrung his hands over and over again. All Might was just as nervous as the rest, yet Nezu seemed to outdo them all.

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