What now?

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So here's a piece of information, this thing ain't endin yet. Nu uh.

You heard me right. It's not ending here yet.
Book 2 is coming up and I still don't know when. But I already planned the story line ahead so it wont be a hassle.

a lot more ships are gonna show up.

I'm planning on opening the floor to anybody!
So stay tuned  for the next book where true endings meet it's true end.

Enough with the cringey talk. I'd also like to say thank you for all the supporters out there! To the people who read this story and who voted it whole heartedly!

I really appreaciate what all of you did. Really.

Welp, that's all I'ma say. See you soon on the next book my fellow Tsuniannes!

Till we meet again!!

Signing out.

☆Lady Tsun☆

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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