Chapter 6

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What's he thinking??
Bringing someone like me in his house?

"Yep. Its not that big of a deal."

As much as I want to- not that i really want but need to, I can't just go to his house. I feels like it isn't right.

"You can use my jacket for cover."

"How about you?"

"I'll be fine" He said as he stepped out in the rain. As he did, I followed him and walked beside him. Although I did'nt take his suggestion.

"Cover yourself dummy"

"I can't just cover myself when you're not even covering yourself. I mean it's only fair."

"You'll catch a cold." What he said made me flutter. Why the hell does he care. "You too  ya'know"

"Suit yourself."

We started dashing from roof to roof towards his house, making sure we won't arrive super wet.(😏) in going there, nothing really happend. Only silence and the sound of rain overwhelmed us. But even though it was rainning hard, it felt warm. After a few walks, we stopped in a certain house, not so big, not so small but just the size. Obviously it came to be his house. It had a second floor- not surprising as much.He swiftly opened the gate and welcomed me to come in. What am I even gonna do here? "Feel at home. I'm usually alone during times like these so no annoying buisness is gonna come our way. Especially that annoying faggot." He said as he went in the entrance door of the house as I follow him slowly inside while trying to show so much respect.

"So your parents aren't around?" I asked as I sat politely in their couch, watching Taehyung getting a drink from the kitchen. For a while he looked at me and smirked like a perverted creep "no they're not. You wanna do somtin ya?" I had my face plastered with the color red, averted my gaze somewhere else to get rid of the tension he was giving. "N-no you idiot. What the hell are y-you thinking. I never do stuff like that!" As always, I stutter when talking at times like these. "Oi, I was just joking you moron. I wouldn't too ya'know. And yes my parents aren't around. They work abroad so it's just me and my annoying sis. And Plus I didn't mean it in a dirty like way." He said as he gave me some water to drink. Of course he wouldn't do such a thing. What a creep.

I watched him walk up the stairs before he told me that he would -obviously- be back and grab something. While he was gone, I used the time to just stare around the whole house while sitting on their comfortable, black couch. I have to admit their house is pretty comfy. A few minutes later, I noticed him going down as I play little with the water he gave me. Then he surprisingly threw a towel at my face "dry up and change your clothes. You'te soaking wet. I know you have no extra stuff instore but you can borrow my sissy's clothes" shocking as it is, he's quite open minded and generous. "A-are you sure about this?" I asked for assurance. "Ne. Just go. The restroom's just over there." He pointed out where the restroom was and followed his directions.

With silence, I slowly walked up the restroom and once I was in, I closed the door and started refreshing my mind. What the hell is goin on. The process in refreshing only took a short while since this whatever  feeling came to me and so I started drying up. I started removing my clothes, dunk them piece by piece in the water to rince off some dirt until I was almost fully uncovered. Then it hit me. How am I supposed to change without any clothes. I wasn't able to get some. My head started  spinning in circles since I didn't know what to do. My clothes were now soaking wet and I'm- ughhhh. Thankfully, a knock and a voice came from the outside. "Hey u done?" Am I done??? No of course not. "N-no im not. I dont have any c-clothes to put on and I cant come out... cause... im already...uncovered..."

God that was embarrassing. "Oi. I couldn't here you. Ima come in-" right then and there, he opened the door and tried to poke his head in. Beacuase I was getting all flustered and embarrassed, my reaction time was pretty slow. But it was a good thing that I was alert enough and was able to close it as fast as I could, makimg me think he did'nt see me at all."What the hell you jerk?!" My whinning kept on and on and in the middle of the rant, I could hear him whispper to himself. "What did I just...see..." so he did see me half naked!!! "I heard  that!!"

"I only saw little!" Confirmed...

"You could have at least knocked on the door!"

"Well you could have locked it!" Yeah... I forgot to lock it. But still, he barged in without knocking. "Its fine alright! I'll just get you something to wear so just wait in there." Silence came for a shirt time while he was gone as thoughts of him seeing me naked was unbelievable. I wanted to run away and lock myself forever. After a few minutes, he was back with some clothes but this time, he finally knocked. "Oi I brought you some." "Leave it outside the door. I'll take it from there." He followed what I said and left. Once he was gone, I took the oppertunity to open the door and get the clothes that was on the doorstep. Of course I took it quickly as possible in order for him not to see me again then started changing. Is it really okay for me to use these? This is his sister's clothes.

After changing, I walked out the restroom amd sat back dowm their couch. Taehyung must be in his room since he's nowhere to be found. I sat there patiently, waiting for his presence. It seems my hunch was right. He was in his room since he came down from upsatairs. "You seem bored. Watch tv?" He suggested. "Is it really okay for me to wear these stuff?". "Ne." He replied, getting the remote from the small table infront of me, turned on the television and sat a meter away from me. The channel showed some anime show that I know. I think it was called fairy tail. Although I have watched so many anime, fairy tail is still on my bucket list. "You hungry? I got some chips." He said standing up from the couch. "Its ok. I dont eat chips".  "Coke?".  "I dont drink softdrinks"

Yes I dont eat junk food and drink softdrinks. Very unhealthy. "Quite the picky eater you are." He muttered from the kitchen, trying to find other food than those junk. "Well I have this sandwich I bought earlier. I seem to forgot to eat it." He brought it with him and handed it to me in which I happily accepted. When I recieved it, I unwrapped the wrapper and started eating. Again, he sat beside me, still a meter apart from me. He changed the channel to where movies would come up called HVO. The show was pretty thrilling that I didn't even bother to care about the time. Although I have to admit, I was getting pretty sleepy. Because I kinda sleepy, I simply rested my head on the couch's armrest and continued watching the movie.

"Getting sleepy already?" He asked sarcastically. "Ani-" I was too focused on the movie that I almost can't focus on what I was saying. "You can sleep here if I dont mind." I looked at him in shock from what he said. "What are you saying ya'jerk!"  "Waw- I'm being generous here and you complain." True but- "thanks for the offer but I think it's too much. It's not like I don't have a house. What, do I look like a beggar?" What's wrong with him. First he invites me over to his house, wear his sister's clothes and now he says I can sleep here? What does he want. After that followed silence and I continued watching the movie, still laying my head down. My head couldn't think straight anymore. Everything was blurry and narrow then dark. Under it all, I was breathing softly and peacefully.



"Where the hell are you?? Do you know what time it is? You could have at least told me."

"Hi good evening"

"Who's this??"

"I assume you are her mother? If your looking for your daughter she's at my home and she fell asleep. I actually invited her to come over since I saw her soaking wet from the rain."

"Asleep I she's in your hands as of the moment, I will allow that, meaningless to say."

"As you wish."


Yo yo yo,
Another chapter, here we go
Ohhh yeahhh~

I know... the worst rao created. Simply immitating killer bee from naruto😂 he probably might have done better.

Anyways sorry again for typos and grammatical errors. This chapter was a bit to clichè so I'll do better next time. I tried😂😂 PEACE OUTTT

☆Lady Tsun☆

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