Chapter 8

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It's been two days now and I still couldn't find an answer. If I say no, I'm just being rude after everything they have done to me. But if I say yes, nothing will go wrong right? There's no harm in saying yes. "Found an answer yet?" Wendy, the vice council, was kind enough to help me through this wierd situation. "Ani..." I replied back. "Wait wait... I dont quite get it yet, this guy Taehyung, who helped you, have this problem in some forced marriage and is using you as an excuse to cancel it right?"


"But how does you- I mean how do you become an excuse??"

"Pretend girlfriend. Thats what they said."

"I dont know bout you gurl, but you need true love for that." As much as Wendy is right, I'll feel bad for saying no. "Just this time, I'll say yes..." I made up my mind. I'm saying yes for a payback from what they have done to me. And then, everything will be over.  "Well if that's what you really want, I wont bother arguing over that. But listen here, I warned you~" Well whatever... I stood up from my seat in the council department office and headed outside. It's getting late so I had to go home. Lisa had some errands to do so I'll head home alone. With my bag on my hand, I went off. Silence abided with me as I walked through the hall. From far ahead, I could see a person leaning on the wall and I bet that was Taehyung.

He stood up from leaning when he noticed me closing in. It was nerve recking in fact. My footsteps echoed and my heart wouldn't stop it's beats. I couldn't face him but why? I could only look at the floor where his face can't be seen. I stopped in my tracks when I was finaly in front of him. "Sorry about this." It was the first thing he said. It shocked me when I heard it. "Why so?" I asked, still looking down. "My sister couldn't leave me alone like this... I'm quite guilty myself."

"It's fine... I decided to agree to it anyways."

"Are you sure??"

In response, I nodded. I thought he would be happy and all but he doesn't seem to be. Did I do something wrong? "Hey... look at me." Those words that came out of his mouth felt like he really meant it. Without hesitation, I looked at him and so, our eyes met. The sensation felt like something that relieved me from every burden. It felt light. "Are you really sure about this?" His eyes were glistering with guilt and I felt bad about it.

"Yeah... I am"

•My Perfect Boyfriend•

I got home from school just in time for dinner. Jun welcomed me as I stepped in and got all my things down. I then headed towards the dining room to eat. I was starving and didn't bother to even change my uniform. "Manners young lady. Youre still in your uniform." True that I didn't change. I'm just an indolent person. "Mian haeyo eomma" I sat down on my usual place- on the right side to where my father sits and just right infront of eomma. "Appa?" "Your father's coming in a short while." My mom replied and so I started eating. After a few munches and gobbles, I was finaly finished and decided to head up to my room. That was when I changed into my sleeping dress and hopped right into bed. I only stood up after a few minutes when  my phone rang.

It was rare for someone to text me since not all are in good ties with me, especially at this hour. When I checked my phone to see the message, what cam out was an unknown number which creeped the hell out of me. 

(A/N starting here, It's going to be different and quite long so deal with it...)


?: we need to talk  

Jennie: to talk?? not to be rude but I dont know you.

?: oh right I forgot. It's Taehyung.

Jennie: Taehyung?? How'd you get my number??

Taehyung: I got it from Lisa.

Jennie: Lisa again?... How are you guys related??

Taehyung: We're not related just friends that recently met. but that's not the issue right now. I wanna talk to you about the agreement...

Jennie: but I already agreed..

Taehyung: I'm just not getting this right..

Jennie: what do you mean?

Taehyung: You do know that you're going to do some things beyond your limits...

Jennie: oh... To be frankly honest, I wasn't aware of that... but it's something I can do in return.

Taehyung: you dont have to you know...

Jennie: aren't you...happy?

Taehyung: what?

Jennie: aren't you happy that I said yes instead of a no? it doesn't seem like it... 

Taehyung: I'm just worried alright. Can't you see that I'm dragging other people into my own problems just for my own self satisfactions. It's might be a big burden to you and I already felt guilty about it.

Jennie: I agreed to it and there's no turning back. I do not go back on my word. Only cowards do that so to speak. and I'm not one coward so there's no need for you to worry. There's no turning back now... I just wanna help... as a fellow friend of urs

Taehyung: I dont understand why you decided to help me all of a sudden. you know what... thank you for that... and for being supportive at least XD  it's pretty amusing dont you think...

Jennie: I dont know where this is heading but I think I'll agree with you. 


I don't really know what he is up to. I also don't know why I agreed to this. But if it helps, it doesn't matter. I am the president council and he is from the same school after all. So it could be reasonable.

sometimes, things can't always be simple. Hardship takes part and so we have to face it with no other way around. Nothing can really be simple. A single articulate can mean many things or can be understood in different ways- either  justified or wretched, nor they are shallow. Simplisity digs in when you go through a path that is right and good. This is what my mother used to tell me and no matter how hard she lectured me about this, I would always believe it the other way around.

but now I'm starting to think that I may be wrong as well.



This chapter was made quite short and if you noticed, It only highlights the moments of Taaehyung and Jennie. If it was boring, I apolagize. I'll do better next time.

I think on the next chapter, the  important details might be written.

that's all for today!! C ya next time!!

Lady Tsun


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