Chapter 14

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Jennie's POV

It's been a month and things only get worse. Why does everything turn up side down when I'm only doing the right thing.

I was walking down towards Lisa's classroom to wait for her. "Annyeong Li Sol. Is Lisa in there?" I asked one of Lisa's classmate who happens to pass by me, just as I was about to take a peek in their classroom. "Eh. Annyeong Jennie. I thought you'd know by now that Lisa's absent."


"Waa? So you didn't know? Well she is I tell ya' Anyways gotta run!" Li Sol replied and went off. What if that call earlier was not a total accident. Maybe she wanted to tell me she's going to be absent. Is she sick? Well guess I'm gonna have to take lunch alone. I don't know why but I kinda prefer taking lunch alone. Not saying that I like Lisa hanging around me.

And since I'm having lunch alone- which usually does not happen- I'll take it on one of my favourite spots; the roof. A place where I can take my goofy and foggy mind off for a little while and enjoy the breezy rush. And so I took off.

Today was getting even odder. As I walked through the halls, their whispers were getting louder and almost all of them were whispering. I've gotten use to the whispering ever since word got out. But now, they all took matter into the situation. Compared before, I could say only 20% out of a hundred were only interested in this thing. Now I could say 89%. In other words, it got worse overnight.

I dont know how it got to be this worse.Yesterday, everything was just fine to say the least. But I ignored them as usual. No business to accord with them since I might just cause mote trouble.

I went up the final steps on the stairs and was finally able to reach the door leading out to the roof.


Third person POV

Jennie had finally reached the top and was now standing in front of the door that leads outside the roof. Just as she was about to pull out her hand, she stopped short. She could hear noises from the outside. Subconsciously, she was eaves-dropping to find out a little about them.
She was not alone.

She pulled out her hand and was about to open the door to check if she wasn't hallucinating or anything. But it was pretty obvious that there were people outside. A certain laugh of one person came louder and louder near the door with each second. Jennie on the other hand, was not aware for she was focused on getting the door open without the people outside noticing her. But it just so happens that their movements were in sync.

She was surprised to see the door open on its own without her doing anything. But the bigger deal was the person who opened the door.

It was Taehyung.

Jennie stood there in surprise as well as Taehyung. They both locked sights on each other without saying a word. Taehyung wanted to say something but he couldn't utter even a single word. Her legs started backing away inch by inch.

"J-jennie... I--" Before he could say something, Jennie interrupted. "I-I've gotta go" She said, bowing her head and rushed down the stairs. "Wait..." he yelled and started chasing her down.  Jennie never stopped and ran even faster.

Grabbing her from behind was not an option for Taehyung. If they did, they both might topple down the stairs. So he had the idea to run faster to be ahead of Jennie and block her in front for her to have no choice but to stop. The only thing is, she might run back up. Welp, better safe than sorry.

"Can you at least hear me out?" Taehyung said who was just 2 steps behind her. Jennie was unaware where Taehyung was so she just stopped on her tracks, finally giving in to him. It was so unexpected, Taehyung's reaction was late so he accidentally pushed her down just as she was going to turn and face him.

Luckily, Taehyung was swift to catch her arm before she would fall. Then he had the chance. He pulled her to the stair's sidewall, pinning her to the wall as he blocked her ways with both of his arms.

(A/N: to make the scene clear, he trapped her in  front of him and used both his arms to trap her in. Of course you's understand right...... okay ama stop.... =3=)

Jennie was in the verge of breakdown. Her heart was throbbing fast like someone banging the table as fast as they can when he or she is angry. Taehyung panned for breath and had a bit of confidence. They stood there like that for a while to get use to the aura.

Jennie couldn't face him, her body all warming up. All she could see was the floor and it was all she was looking at.

Taehyung leaned into her, having the intention to touch his forehead to hers and so he did. "Oi, Look at me..." He said with heavy breaths. Jennie could feel him. Could hear his breathing. He was so close to her for the first time that all she could do was make the most of it. Jennie then slowly lifted her head to see him and hear him out.

There hearts were beating, like their souls were bonded. Their eyes met and exchanged feelings, accepting them and slowly healing them.

Then all so sudden, their lips touched.

Jennie winced in shock. Taehyung got the first move. Her mind went blank and she couldn't think of anything except the boy in front of her who was now in touch. It took awhile before they backed up. He looked relieved of some sort. But after they broke their touch, he slowly went up without saying a word, leaving Jennie shell shocked.

Halfway up before he would be out of sight, he stopped and spoke. "I'm sorry..." After that, he continued walking until he was no longer in sight.


Wendy's POV

Today's the day. I've thought this through and the rest of the plan will come in after wards. I know this may sound and look crazy, but it's worth a shot. This is getting intense. Like those parts of an anime where action begins.

So the very first thing I must do is find people. I have a few people in mind that might have a strong support. Lisa is who I have in my mind and I bet she's perfect!!

I went to her classroom to go and do some deals and stuff. Not drugs of course. As I passed by, her seat was empty. It's recess and she just usually stays on her classroom since Jennie would go to the council office. "Annyeong um have you seen Lisa by any chance?" I asked a random stranger from her class, hoping she'd know. "No I haven't. She's already absent for two days now and I have no idea why."

"Oh ok thanks" I said and went off. Man I thought I could win this 'war' but I guess Lisa won't be here. Well then I guess I'm gonna have to start a little sooner. I do still have someone in mind.


"What do you say, you in?" I asked Tsuyu after dragging her into a private place and explaining her a bit of some details. "Ne, Of course I would but why me of all??" She asked.

"Because you have Jungkook on your side. I also want you to ask him if he's up to this task."

"He has a task too??" Tzuyu asked again. "Of course he has. All he's gonna do is give us information of how Taehyung's doing. They are squadmates after all" I said.

"NE! I'll go ask him later night. How much time do we have anyways? If there is though...."

"We've only got two months. After that, Taehyung will be forced to officially be Yoo ma's." I explained further.

"RIGHT! I'LL TAKE THE JOB!!" Tzuyu said before leaving excitedly but then stopped to tell some last words. "I don't know bout you but I think this is pretty damn cool. I didn't know you have a heart. Well, see ya!" She said and chuckled away.

I stood there thinking about my next move. I still have to get a few more people and we're officially starting war. The suspense is coming.

Thinking about it made me smirk.

so as you know, the 'suspense' is coming so the rest of the chapters are gonna be long. There are 14 chapters all in all and thats alot. The climax is soon to end and I already have alot of chapters. So bare with me if chapters are getting longer as it goes on.

Thats all ama say!! BABOOSH!!

☆Lady Tsun☆

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