Chapter 11

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It's late afternoon, past dissmissal. Taehyung called me to talk about something. The back portion of the school is a perfect place to talk privately when it comes to dissmissal. Not that it matters. I stood there silent, already knew what he wanted to say.

"I'm telling you this... the deal is off. Your work is done." I was shocked from what he said but why? "But why?" I asked.

"Because I dont want to cause any more trouble. Its becoming a burden to you." He replied.

"I already told you, I'm just fi-"

"Shut it will you?! Why are you even fixated on this?? You saw what happend earlier?? I can't have anymore things to deal with such as guilt. You can stay out of my personal space."

After that, he slowly started walking away. Uneasy silence came and I was left with mixed emotions. It's unusual really, him being like that. I couldn't understand him. But he couldn't understand me either.

"You dont understand! I'm doing this, not because you forced me to but because I chose to! I haven't done anything nice to you ever since we were ignorant brats. You'd make sure I was okay despite the bruises you had, you'd give me things I needed that I don't have, you even went to the hospital because you tumbled down the stairs just to save me. You treated me like a sister, not until we parted ways! So I thought if I were to agree on this, I can do something in return. But it seems like your not even satidfied!! I don-"

I started yelling, unable to contain myself anymore. I was too focused on the words I kept saying that I didn't realise I was already in tears. I stopped for a moment. He looked at me with grieve. I did nothing but stand in shock. The grass tickled it's sound with every step Taehyung makes. He was nearing me.

Then, with a sudden move, I felt astonished and yet happy. He braced me in his arms, his hand over my head and the other over my waist while I rested my head over his shoulder. He felt warm and comforting. "I'm sorry... I-I can't just- You were... *sigh* I can't let you live like this"

"It's fine... just let me do this. Trust me" with that, I was left with a smile.

I'd consider him to be the sweetest brother ever.

☆Lady Tsun☆

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