Whats wrong?

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Yoongi opened his eyes to see Tae staring at him. He threw the pillow at him and fell off the bed. "What the Fuck Taehyung? You scared the shit out of me!!" V just laughed reveling his box smile. "Hehe-sorry." Yoongi rolled his eyes and got off the floor. "What, you just watch me sleep?" "Well only for a little bit. But the others are eating for us down stairs so let's go eat." "Ugh-fine" he sighed am walked down the stairs to see the others getting breakfast. "Morning Hyung" hobi said as he grabbed a plate. "Morning"
Once everyone got their food they sat down and ate. As usual there was screaming, arguing, and laughing. However Jimin kept pretty quite and didn't eat much but no one sneed to pay attention, except for Jungkook but he decided not to speak out. They finished and went up at change. Just as everyone finished they went outside to see Sejin wating for them. "Y'all ready?" "Hmm? Where we going?" V asked. "You'll see when you get there. And unfortunately the moving trucks and cars haven't got here yet so you will have to take those. You'll have to be split up in group though so decided who is going where. "I want Jiminsis" Jungkook said latching onto the elders arm. Jimin blushed and nodded and they walked to the car and sat side by said leaving no room in between them. V got in the car with them and everyone els in the other one. Once the car came to a stop they arrived at a really tall big building. "What's this?" V questioned walking inside. "It's your new dance studio, I hope you like it cuz your gonna be spending a lot of time here" "it's nice" Jungkook said looking around. "I'm gonna have y'all warm up why we wait for the van then we'll go your new dorm." "Ok, sounds good" they started practicing and just goofing off at the new studio when Jungkook saw Jimin just setting in the corner. "Hey, is everything okay?" He asked concerned for him. Jimin stood up and with an obvious fake smile said. "Yeah, of course" he the walked past Jungkook avoiding eye contact at all coast. "It's kinda stuffy in here so I'm gonna go out and get some fresh air" he said doing anything to excuses him self from the situation. Jungkook stood there frozen in his place. "Is Jimin mad at me? What did I do? Why is he avoiding me..?" All this thoughts coursing through his mind with no answer. He wanted to go after him and embrace him in a hug but his feet wouldn't move, they where played to the floor. Jhope then noticed the Youngers strange behavior and walked over to him. "Is everything okay?" Jungkook brushed through his hair with his eyes opened wide. "I think, Jimins mad at me" "at you? Why?" "I don't know, he has been acting strange and is trying to avoid me.." Jungkook said with a really worried tone. "I'm sure it's not you, but you should go talk to him and make sure" "yeah your right..I'll be right back" Jungkook then walked out to see Jimin setting on the curve in his oversized hoodie looking up at the sky. He was about to walk over to him but stopped. He was to scared too. But he couldn't understand why. He lowered his head and was heading back inside when he heard small sniffs. He looked back and saw Jimin wiping his teary eyes. His heart broke and he knew he couldn't just leave him like that. He walked over and sat beside him. "Mine, what's wrong" Jimin barely looked up and saw Jungkook staring at him. "Kookie.." he whimpered before hugging him and barring his head in his chest. Jugnkook was at first shocked but then relived that Jimin wasn't upset with him. He lifted his head up and shushed his rosie cheeks. "What's wrong baby?" He didn't mean to say that, it just slipped back but Jimin didn't seem to mind so he tried to ignore it as well.  "Do you think I'm a bad person?" "What!? Of course not, your the kindest, gentlest person. So what makes you think you're not?" "Cuz even though my mom can have her surgery I just left her..what if somthin happned and she needs me..?" "Jimin, don't worry. It'll be okay. I promise, everything will be alright." He said before bring his head back in his chest as he rubbed his fingers through his hair. They way Jungkook held him reminded him of his mom. It was so warm and gentle, and truly made you fell safe. Jimin closed his eyes and sniffed a couple more times before he fully stopped. As the smaller boys tears faded away Jungkook raised Jimins head and pinched his nose. "Come on, we need to finish prancing so we can go to the dorm" Jimin nodded and fallowed Jungkook back into the studio. Right as they where about to go in Jungkook stopped and looked at the elder. "Hey, when we get there I bet Sejin is going to ask use to find roommates. Would you maybe, want to pair with me..?" Jimins smiled and nodded causing a big grin to appear across Jungkooks face revealing his bunny teeth.

   I'm running out of names to calm the chapters!! >.<

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