Makanes day out

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It was the next day Jungkook just got dressed and was heading to school when he saw Seo waiting out side for him. They walked to school together and just enjoyed the nice fresh air. "So how was your first day?" She asked turning to talk to him. "It was great! Every one is really nice and funny. Although Suag-hyung seems a little cold but I fell like he is preety sweet too" "Suga?" "Oh yeah, well his real name is Yonngi but he is going by Suga." "I see, how many members are there?" "Including me 7" "nice nice, what y'all do anyways?" "Well I watched Hoseok dance for a good 10 minutes before every one showed up. Then we talked and played would you rather. Oh and then Sejin jumped out of a closet and sent J-hope flying in the air! It was really funny we all died laughing" Jungkook felt a grin aper on his face as he talked about them. "Hehe, they do sound fun, but my question is who is Sejin and why was he in the closet?" "Oh haha. Sejin is are manger, and for why he was in the closet..don't ask me" they both laughed as the walked into the building. "We'll see you later Jungkook" "yeah see ya Noona" they went into there own classes. Jungkook drew in his notebook while the teacher gave a lecture. He was so lost in the art that he didn't realize the teacher come up to him. The teacher cleared his throat. "Jungkook" "huh? Jungkook lifted his head to see his teacher glaring down at him. He reached out his hand and said. "Note book" Jungkook looked down and handed it to him. "Wow this is good who is it?" "Huh? What do you mean?" "The person you drew.." "hmm?" He sat up and looked. "Oh..that's Jimin..he's a friend.." he didn't even realize he drew him. "Well you can have this back at the end of class, now pay attention." "Yes sir.." He tried his best to focuses for the rest of the class, and as soon as the bell rang he took his note book and went to his next class. Once it was lunch he waited for Seo at there usuals place. For some reason she was a little late so he started drawing again when all the sudden the light behind him went dark. He looked up at saw Seo standing over him. "Hi" "hey" "who is that?" "Huh..oh" he looks down at his sketchbook and quickly shuts it before hugging it tight. "It's no one" she gave him a concerned look with her head titled slightly. "Well what ever, here I bought you a pastry" "oh thank you" He took it and immediately started eating it. She sat down beside him and giggled. "Hehe you have some jam on your face" she got her napkin and helped wiped it off "there" he blushed and looked down before grabbing another bite. "Th-thanks.." she smiled and nodded. After awhile lunch was over and they went back to class. On his way to his class room he couldn't figure out why he drew Jimin. He wasn't even realizing he did it, his hand just moved on it's own. After a long day he walked out of school to see Seo waiting for him. once he got closer to her she waved, he waved back but then stopped once he saw a familiar vehicle parked out side the gate. He couldn't really tell who it was until a guy with black hair got and a guy with brown hair got steeped out . "Jungkook" the boy with black hair waved. "Uh-Jimin!" He ran up to him smiling. "What are you doing here?" He said slightly looking down considering Jimin was shorter than him. He didn't even realize Tae standing by him until he started talking. "Hey Jungkook, how was school?" "It was good" he said looking at Tae. "That's good, well we where wondering if you wanted to go get Coffey with us?" Jimin asked. "Sure sounds good!" He said with a big smile. "Oh..wait" he looked back and saw Seo watching them from the side. "I would love to but I can't" he said walking by her. "Oh.who is this?" Tae said with a smirk as he bummed the younger shoulder. "Taehyung Jimin-Hyung, this is Seo, my friend" "Seo his is Tae and Jimin, they are in BTS" Seo studied them and noticed one of them kinda looked like the drawing Jungkook was doing earlier. She walked over to them and shook their hand "hi, it's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about y'all" "it's nice to meet you too" Jimin said with a gentle smile. "Oh so Jeon talked about us huh?" V said with another smirk. She just sat and watched as the three boys joked around with each other. "Well me and Jimin are going to go now, see ya tomorrow Jungkook" Tae said with his arm wrapped around Jimin. "Ok, maybe next time we can hang out." "No wait..Jungkook you should go with them" Seo said. "But we where gonna walk home together.." "it's fine, I don't live that far so I'll be ok, pulse they did come all this was" "are you sure?" "Yes, I promise it's fine, go have fun" she gave him a smile reassuring him that she was ok with it. He smiled back at her "thanks Seo, I promise will walk home tomorrow" "ok" "Hey wait up" Jungkook yelled as he ran to Jimin and V. "Huh? You change your mind?" Tae asked. "Yeah..I really do want to hang out with you guys!" "Ok great! Get in e car" V said eagerly. They all got in the car and drove off. Seo watched them until they where out of sight and then continued to walk home by her self. Once they got to the cafe they ordered there food. "You want anything to eat? Your probably hungry after school." Jimin asked. "No I'm fine" "you sure? I don't mind, I'm going to get a small cake" he said. "I'm fine really." "Ok..well if you decided you want something just tell me" they all ordered their drinks and sat down and waited for them to come out. "Hey so how did you find my school anyways?" Jungkook asked. "Oh, we asked your mom" Tae stated bluntly. "...ok.." "yeah dot worry we told her we where picking you up" Jimin said. "Ok that's fine, I was just wondering" "order 17" Tae got up and brought them there food and drinks. "You sure you don't want any food?" Jimin asked again making sure he won't go hungry. Jungkook giggled. "No I'm fine really, I'm fine with just this" he said before taking a drink of his frappe. "Ok.." once they fished they cleaned up and got in the car. "Thanks for taking me out Huyung, it was fun" "yeah anytime" V then looked back at Jungkook and said. "Oh where not finished yet, we still have to go shopping" he squealed. "Omg Tae your such a girl" Jimin said playfully hitting him. "Is that ok with you Jungkook?" He nodded his head. "Yeah that sounds fun" "great! Then to the mall we go!" V said pointing onwards. Once they got there they parked and ran inside. "Where should we go first?" Tae asked, he was very excited and was trying to control it but he loved shopping" "whats your favorite store" Jimin asked walking by Jungkook. "Oh I don't know, I think hot topic has some pretty cool things" Tae and Jimin looked at each-other and grind. "To hot topic then!" They walked into the store and Jungkook immediately ran to the flannels. "Get what ever you want" Jimin said. "Really?" "Yeah, my treat" he looked around a little before deciding on a red plaid flannel, a plan black shirt, and a plan white shirt. "Is that all?" "Yep" "well your easy to please, unlike Tae over here" V then came into seen holding a pile of clothes. Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other and giggled. They went to check out and Jungkooks cloths only costed $25 however Tae ended up spending $79 just at one store. "Man he is expensive" Jungkook whispered to Jimin as they left the store, Tae holding three bags full. "Yeah he is, that's why I don't pay for him" he chuckled. Tae then spotted an anime store and started flipping out. "Jimine-hyung!! We have to go in there!" Tae said with the biggest smile on his face. "Hehe ok ok" "yess!" He ran in there as fast as he could and started looking at all the merch. Jungkook looked around a little when he saw a something that caught his eye. In secret he went and bought it making sure Jimin didn't see. "Tae we have been here for 20 minutes, just pick something" "ok-ok" He grabbed two Pokémon plushes and a Madoica Magica ring. "Ok let me just pay and we can leave" for those three things it costed him $50 "wow, it's so expensive.." he said falling to the floor. "Oh well, you only live once right!?" He said smacking the money on the counter. He held his boblasor and walked out smiling. "Well where should we go now?" "I don't know about you but I'm getting pretty hungry" V said rubbing his belly. "You just ate!" Jimin giggled. "Come on let's go to the food court." He chuckled. They all walked there and looked around at the options. They where walking and almost didn't notice that Jungkook wants there. "Wait, Jungkook?" Jimins said looking around in a panic, when all the sudden he saw a little bit of black hair sticking up in the crowed. He walked over there and saw Jungkook with his face pressed up agents the glass of cookies. "Hehe you want one?" "Huh?" Jungkook looked up and saw Jimin standing over him. He stood up and took a step back. Jimin went in front of him and order three cookies, one form him, Jungkook, and Tae. "Here" he handed Jungkook his cookie and his face light up. "Hehe, jungkookie" he smiled giving him a nick name. Jungkook took a big bite and then smiled back. "Thanks" Jimin nodded and then saw Tae walking up with Panda Express. "Here, I got you a cookie" He said handing him it" "Thx Jimine" he said as he took it. They found a place to sit and finish there food, and once they where done they cleaned up and continued with their shopping spree. A couple hours went by and they where ready to leave. Tae walked out with bags all around his arms and hands, and a new hat and sunglasses on. Jungkook laughed at him, and the way he walked made it even better. He pulled out his phone and recorded him, before Tae turns around and strikes a pose. They all bursted into laughter. "We still have a little time before it gets dark if y'all want to go to the park?" Jimin said. Jungkook liked the sound of that, even though he was 15 he liked going to play. "Yah! That will be really fun!" He said. Tae agreed too. "Kk" Jimin pulled up into the parking lot and as soon as the car stoped Jungkook got out and ran to the playground. Jimin pulled out his phone and record he Makane. "Hehe-he's like a little kid" Jungkook ran around the playground, and climbed to the top of the rock wall. He stood up there and let the wind blow threw his hair. Once Jimin and V got there he jumped down and grabbed their hand and dragged them to the slides. They all laughed and ran around until the sun started to set. Jimin pulled out his phone and the all posed. "1,2,3!" He took a picture of the three of the on the rock wall. "Y'all ready to go?" "Yeah it's getting pretty late." They got in the car and Jimin started driving Jungkook home. He looked back and saw Jungkook was fast asleep. "He really is just a kid huh?" He thought to him self. He thought it was cute how he ran around and played, and how he wore himself out enough that he couldn't keep himself awake. Once they got home Jimi scooped Jungkook in his arms so he wouldn't wake up. "Grab his bags" Jimin told V. V grabbed his back pack, and his shopping bag, when he saw a little bag that he didn't recognize. "Did he buy something on his own?" V thought to himself. He grabbed it and carried it inside. They saw Jungkooks mom in the living room watching T.V. "Where should I put him" He giggled holding the younger in his arms. "Aw, his room is right upstairs" "ok" Jimin and V walked into his room and set his stuff down by the door. Jimin pulled back the covers and gently placed him down. He tucked him in and pushed back his hair back before telling him good night. They shut of the lights and left. They where about to walk out the door when his mom told them "thank you for taking him out" they nodded and said they had a good day. Jimin and V got in the car and drove off. Jungkook shifted position in bed and smiled.. today was a good day.

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