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They both started to open there eyes to see each other. Jungkook smiled and Jimin gave him a slight giggle as they looked at each other. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" Jungkook asked brushing the hair out of Jimins face. He nodded. "Did you?" he smiled and nodded back. They stayed there looking at each other for awhile. "We should probably get ready for the day" Jungkook said getting up when he suddenly felt warmth on his hand. He looked down to see Jimins small hand placed on his. Jimin turned his head and looked up at jungkook. "Can we just stay like this..for a little longer?" He asked in a low clam voice. Jungkook smiled at him and laid back down beside him. The two of them where just inches apart and they just sat there in silence. Jimins nose and cheeks where red form the night before. "Your so beautiful" Jungkook said as he stared at the smaller flushed boy. He didn't mean to say that, it just slipped out. Jimin giggled at the Youngers comment. "Thank you, and your not bad your self" he said jokingly.
They stayed like that for a little bit longer before getting up. Jungkook checked his phone to see 23 messages and 5 miss calls all from his mom. "Well that's what I get for never telling her where I was" he said to himself as he rubbed the back of his head. Jimin got up and walked to the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick" "ok" Jungkook read all his messages before texting back.
Jungkook: sorry I didn't tell you where I was, I stayed the night with Jimin

Mom: well I figured that much, but you still could have called to cheek in

Jungkook: I know I'm really sorry, i just really wanted to be with Jimin before I have to leave..

Mom: I understand, it's fine..just hurry and get home so you can finish packing. I got some of it done but you need to do the rest

Jungkook: ok I'll be there in a bit

After awhile of setting there he heard the water shut off.
Jimin turned off the water and got out. He put on his oversized grey hoodie and some ripped skinny jeans. He came out with his hair still dripping wet. "What are we doing today?" Jimin asked walking over to Jungkook. "I actually need to go home and finish packing, you can come to..if you want.." "sure, I'll help" "great, then we should probably head over there now" "ok" they decided just to walking giving them more time together.
Once they got there Jungkooks mom welcomed Jimin with a hug, and hit Jungkook with her shoe. "Now, there are already boxes in your room. Go up and pack everything you want to keep" "ok, come on Jimine" they headed up the stairs to see boxes loaded with stuff. "Just pack anything?" "Yep" Jungkook nodded. "But make sure the movies and CDs are in a box together" "ok" they got to packing and Jungkook went to his drawer. But to his surprise something was missing, and if he couldn't find it before Jimin then it would be really embarrassing. "Crap, where did I put it!?" Jungkook thought as he rummaged through the drawer. Just as he was starting to panic his mom walked in behind him. "Looking for these?" He turned to see his mom holding handcuffs. His face grew bright red as he snatched them from her hands. "I found them while I was packing" he held them tight as he looked at her with his mouth hung open. Just then Jimin turned around. "What do you want me to do with the books?" Jungkook jumped up and hid the cuffs behind his back. "-just put them in an empty box!" His mom smirked at him and then walked out of the room. "I'm gonna go make us some snacks and lemonade" "o-ok" Jungkook stuttered still to embarrassed to fully speak.
After a long day everything was finally done, they went down and ate there snacks and drinks. Just as they finished there food a moving truck pulled up to there house. Sejin and a few other people hopped out and started loading the boxes. "It's still gonna be awhile so me and Jimin are gonna head to the park" Jungkook told his mom before they walked off. They sat on the swings and Jimin looked at the sky while Jungkook held his head low. Only a couple more hours till he had to leave. Tears started to fall from his face as he would never get to see his precious friend ever aging. "Jungkook...can I tell you something..?" Jimin said with a clam tone. Jungkook sniffed and nodded. Tears held him back from speaking. "I knew from the moment we met, that there was something special about you. And only now am I realizing just what that felling is..I just wish I could have noticed sooner. Cuz now it's to late" Jimin said sniffing.
Jungkook tilted his head to see the other boy with tears streaming down his cheeks as he looked at the sky. "....?" "Jeno Jungkook...I..I.." Jimin lowered his head and bit his lip as there was now a waterfall of tears. Jungkook got off the swings and bent down in front of Jimin. He stoped his own tears and looked at the sobbing boy. "Jimin, what is it?" Jimin held his face in his hands sacred to speak. Jungkooks big warm hand wrapped around Jimins small ones and pulled them down. "Jimin, please tell me.." "Jungkook...I love you" Jungkook smiled as tears started to form, however he didn't cry. He stood up and brought Jimin into a hug. He used one hand to told him and the other to rub his head. "I love you to Jimin. And I've known senses the day I saw you. I was just to afraid to say anything." Jimin cried in Jungkooks arms as the sunset came turning the day to night. "Come on, I need to go home and say by to my mom" Jungkook and Jimin held hands as they walked home. And to there surprise when they opened the door they saw all the members, Sejin, and his mom holding up a cheek for $30,000 dollars. Both Jimins and Jungkook eyes grew wide at the sight. "What..what's this..?" Jimin questioned with his hand over his mouth. "For these past weeks we have all been raising money to help pay for your moms surgery.." Yoongi said in a clam voice. "Wait, but I thought we didn't have enough..?" Jungkook said confused. "Yeah, well Sejin ended up paying for the rest.." Jhope shrugged. "How..did y'all know?" Jimin questioned. "I told them, you can't keep everything to yourself anymore. Where a family and we have to stick together." Tae said as he walked over to Jimin and clinched his hands. "Guys, this is..I don't know what to say.." Jimin said with small tears.  "Jimin, we want you to come with us. And we're not BTS with out you." They all said. "So, can you come?" Jimin looked at Jungkook and Jungkook back at him with a smile. He turned and faced the others. "Yes!"

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