What did i do?

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Jimin got done making lunch for him and his mom so he went to his room and shut the door. He laid on the bed in silence before curling up as tears fell down his cheek. His face was hot and he wanted to be shut away from the world. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath...

Jungkook welcomed Seo in and she saw V setting on Jungkooks bed button smashing
"Uh, Taehyung right?" He hit pause and looked over to her. "Seo!" He yelled as he got up and gave her a hug. "How have you been?" "Pretty good and you?" "I've been good, so what brings you by?" He asked as if he lived there. "Oh I just came by to see Jungkook" V grind and looked at Jungkook. "Omg, Tae stop, she is my Friend" "mhm, sure" they really where just friends, they have been senses middle school. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to get some ice cream, and maybe after we can go to the park?" She asked Jungkook. "Yeah sounds fun, wanna come Tae?" "I would love to, but unfortunately I told Hoseok I'd help with a thing." He lied trying to give the teens some alone time. "Ok what ever, wanna go?" He said looking at Seo. She nodded. His mom then came in with some laundry. "Oh, hey Seo" "hi" "Jungkook, where is Jimin I want him to come taste the food I made." "Oh he went home" "aw, that little butthead living with out telling me! Next time I see him all have to yell at him" she jokingly said. "Well I'll just have to save some for him the next time he comes." "Mom why do you like Jimin so much?" "Because unlike you he is actually sweet" "uh- I'm sweet" Seo looked at him and shook her head. "Well I'm just gonna put up this's cloths then I'll be on my way." "Ok, well where gonna go to the park." "K have fun, be home before dark" V the walked up to Jungkooks mom and gave her a hug. "Well I told my friend that I would help him with something so I must be going now" "ok dear, be safe and come back anytime, the door is always opened." "Ok I will" he said with his box smile. He then left and decided that he actually would go bug Hoseok.
  Jungkook and Seo decided to go to the park before they got there ice-cream. They ran around and feed the ducks. after a long day it was getting dark so they decided to head back. on the way the stoped at the store and grabbed ice-cream. They walked and talked under the stars. "So how come Jimin and V where at your house?" "Oh yesterday my mom invited all the members and threw a party for them, after wards Jimin and Tae stayed the night." "Ah" Jungkook took a bite of ice-cream and got a little on his face. "Hehe-your always so messy" Seo used her sleeve to wipe it off. They didn't even see the small boy standing in front of them. Jungkook was to busy eating to notice. However Seo looked up and saw him. She gave him a nasty smirk and then pulled Jungkook close to her. Her army wrapped around his as she giggled looking up at him. He didn't understand why she was acting like that, she never did before. Jimin just watched as the girl flirt with Jungkook. Jungkook looked up and saw Jimin. "Uh-Jimin..what are you doing here?" Jimin was frozen, he couldn't think. "Jimin?" He asked again. "Oh-um..I went to the store to buy groceries.. what are y'all doing?" He said glancing away. Jungkook raised his hand. "Ice-cream! Here try some it's good" Jungkook walked away from Seo and held the ice-cream in front of Jimin. It looked good and he did want to try it, but he saw Seo glaring at him. "Oh..um I'm not hungry thanks" he said stuttering. "You don't have to be hungry to just taste it. Here" Jungkook raised it up to his lips. It was right there in front of him so he shut his eyes and took a small bite. It was cold but good. "That is good" he said swallowing. "Right, come on I'll go buy you one" he took his hand and started walking. Jimin stoped and pulled away. "No, it's fine" Jungkook looked back at him and saw his eyes looking off to the ground. He looked like something was bothering him but he was to afraid to ask what. "Oh-ok sorry" Jimin didn't say anything he just looked to the floor rubbing his arm. Jungkook lowered his head too and passed him. Seo then fallowed behind Jungkook and bumped into Jimins shoulder on the way. She gave him one last glare before catching up to Jungkook. Jimin stood there silently for a moment as a tear rolled down his face..

They got back to Jungkooks house just as they finished there ice-cream. "My mom made dinner if your hungry?" "Oo yes please" "ok wait here, I'll go get it." As Jungkook left she noticed one of his drawers was slightly open. She walked over to it and pulled out his sketch book. She flipped threw it and saw the picture he was drawing at lunch the other day. "Wow it really is Jimin" she said to her self. She set it aside and pulled out a little bag. In it was a small squishy pink charter, with a big smile and rosy cheeks, the eyes curved in a way that made it look like they where smiling too.. "what is this? It's probably from an anime or something." She set it to the side and didn't think much of it. She then pulled out two necklaces with small gems in them. "What? Jungkook doesn't wear jewelry, what's it for" she noticed that both of the stones where pink so she decided to look it up on her phone. "Pink stones..pink stones..pink stones..ah here it is, let's see.. pink symbolizes love, unity, and trust, when a couple get matching jewelry with a pink stone it stands for eternal love and happiness.. hmm why dose he have this?" She held both the necklaces in her hand studding them, when all the sudden the door opened. "Uh-what are you doing!?" He rushed over to her and tried to take it back. She reached them out to where he couldn't reach. "Woah calm down, why do you have these?" She asked. "There nothing now give them back" "clearly there something other wise you wouldn't be freaking out." "A friend gave them to me now give them back!" He reached up and snatched it from her stuffing it back in a box and pushing it in the dresser. He notice everything els she got out and shoved it in to. "Why did you go threw my stuff!?" "Relax, it's not that big of a dea-" he cut her off. "Don't just go threw others stuff with out asking! It's rude!" He snapped. He didn't mean to yell like that but he really didn't want anyone to see. "You calling me rude!? Your the one that left me twice to go party with your "friends" she stated raising her voice. "We weren't partying! I had practice, and you told me it was fine if I went!" "Yeah well maybe I didn't want to make you fell bad, but you know what!? Screw it! All you ever do is think about your self  and lately all you ever talk about is Jimin this Jimin that! Don't you ever think that I'm tired of hearing you talk about Jimin!? Did it ever occur to you that I get jealous about how close you are with him even though you just meet him!? When we meet it took me a whole year before you even started getting comfortable with me..so how is it fair that you just meet him and you already seem in love? Like what the fuck he's a fucking guy! I see the way you look at him, that's not just friendship!!" She felt her face get hot as she yelled at him. "What ever..I'm outa here" she slammed the door behind her. Jungkook just stood there in shook still trying to comprehend what just happened.. he grabbed his hair and sat on the bed. "What did I just do..?"

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