Would you rather

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Every one got done and they decided to play a game to help get to now each other better. "What should we play?" Jhope asked. "Umm..would you rather?" Tae suggested "ok I'm down" "sounds good" they all agreed. "Ok I'll start!" Tae yelled. "Yoongi! Would you rather find true love, or be rich?" "Be rich! I'm so expensive" He said trying to talk in English. "Oh my gawd" Jungkook yelled. Every one started laughing at there terrible English. "Haha..ok Jimin would you rather have a lot of time but no freedom, or freedom but no time?" "Uh-wow Hyung that's deep" Jimin chuckled nervously. "Um..I'd rather have freedom but no time, because at least I won't be a slave, if I have freedom then I could have the will power to make some time by dropping something I had to do. But if I have all the time in the world but I was locked away then I'd get really depressed really fast.." "huh-good answer Jimine!" Yonngi said giving him a new nick name. "Then it's my turn?" "Yup" "ok um..Jungkook! Would you rather have a girl friend but no friends or amazing friends but no girl friend?" "Uh.." Jungkook got a little nervous by this question. "Amazing friends! So that way I can be friends with all of you" he gave a soft smile that every one "fangirl'd over" "that was adorable" Jimin said blushing
"Heh..umm..Hoseok-Hyung would you rather fall in a pit with spiders, or snakes?"
"Oo..No No No I-I hate Sakeu" He said stuttering. "But I hate spiders too..crape I can't pick, pass" "no, no way! You have to have punishment then" Yoongi said.  "What? What kind!?" "Hehe, I figured we would be playing a game so I got something" he gave an evil smirk as he pulled a big bold out of his bag. Hoseok read the label that said "Red Hot Ghost Pepper "here I got little shot glasses and I want you to drink this. You don't have to swallow but keep it in your mouth for at least a minute. Ok ready?" He said as he pored him a glass. Hoseok read the back that said WARING if you have a week heart then please don't use this, we are not responsible for any injures or harm this might cause you "what the hell is this Yoongi! Are you trying to kill me!?" He gave a gummy smile and a adorable laugh as he duped it in Hoseok mouth while he was in the middle of his sentence. Hoseok immediately spit it out and screamed as his face grew bright red. "Ahhh-hahahah" he hollered wiping his tung. Yoongi fell over laughing. He pulled out his phone and started recording him. Every one bursted into laughter as Hoseok ran around the room screaming. "This is going on my story" Yoongi snorted. After about 3 minutes of crying and jumping around the spice family started to go away. Hoseok sat down and playfully hit Yoongis shoulder. "Jesus's Hyun I didn't know he wanted to poison me like that" Yoongi just laughed, his gums showed threw his smile. "It's your turn to ask now Hobi" Yoongi said giving another member a nick name. "Ah, ok Jin, would you rather spend the rest of your night as a creepy clown, or never see sunlight again?" "What do you mean? He already is a creepy clown" Yoongi said with a slight chuckle. Jin just gave him a go to hell look. "Never see sunlight again cuz I already stay in doors for the most part" "yeah but where would you get that VitaminD?" "Pills" he stated bluntly. "Pulse as long as Namjoon comes to see me then I'll be fine with what ever." He said giving him a side hug. Namjoon smiled and hugged him back. "Ok Joonie? Would you rather fight a 100 tiny chickens, or one huge chicken?" "Heh-what even are this questions?" Namjoon said giggling.. "well I really light small cute things so the tiny chicks, but Instead of fighting them I want to befriend them and make a pack with them, we can crest a blood pack and all 101 of us can rule the world!" Namjoon stated seeming kinda serious. Every one just looked at him with a weird expression.
"Ok Joonie, you do that" Jin said taping his shoulder. "Every one has gone right?" Tae asked. "Yeah I think so" "ok cool..well what y'all wanna do now?" "I don't know, I think Sejin was supposed to come but he isn't here yet." "Wow every one is late to day, even our manger. The only ones who showed up on time was me and Jungkook" Hoseok said. "Yeah, I wonder where he is..it's already been like an hour." Hoseok was standing by the closet when all the sudden the door creeks opened. With out hesitation he flys into the air and lands in Yoongis arms. Then a camera man and their manager walked out laughing. "Well we weren't expecting that reaction" He said. Hoseok apologized to Yoongi and then climbed out of his arms. "What where y'all doing in the closet?" He asked with a goofy smile. "BTS this was the first episode of your new channel Run! We wanted to see what y'all guys acted like on your first day while we weren't around. To are surprise you boys are really wired and funny, I think this group is going to be fun getting to know." "Oo..?Run?" Jungkook whispered to Namjoon. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "Don't ask me" "Before we end the episode we would like to go around and assign nick names to y'all. We will start with oldest to youngest. Jin we where thinking you should stick with yours how about you?" "Yea I don't mind, I like my name" he chuckled "ok then Yoongi, we where thinking Suga would be a good fit yeah?" "Suga huh? Sounds good" "great! Hoseok we already noticed that your bubble and super happy so we wanted something to kinda fit your personality, we where thinking J-hope?" "Mm! I like! J-hope!! It's got a nice ring to it" Yoongi then reached out his arm and yelled "J-Hoopee!!!" J-hope yelled back "Suugaa!!" They both giggled before moving on. "Ok Namjoon we like your name but we where thinking you should decide a stage name, once you've got one will come back to you? Sound good?" "Yeah! Sweet I get to pick a name..what should it be? Hmm--" "K Jimin we think your name should be Baby-j, kid or your really name?" "Mm I don't know let me think.." ok, well come back to you. Taehyung we got three options for you, well let you pick out of the three Six, Lex, or V?" "Six, Lex, and V huh?..mm V!! It's like Victory!" "Hehe so V huh?" He nodded with a cute box smile "VVVV!!" He shouted "lastly we have are Makane we where thinking scenes your from Busan you could go by Seagull?" Jungkook didn't really think that fit him but he was worried about being rude so he just nodded. However Jimin could tell by his face that he didn't really like the sound of that. He stepped in and said. "Ah-Jungkook is going to go by Seagull? But I like his name, I think it fits better.. pulse I think the fans will like Jungkook more." "You think so?" Manger Sejin asked, "yeah..but I mean its up to him." Jungkook looked at Jimin and then back at Sejin. "Yeah I think Jimins right, I like Jungkook more" "ok then will keep it" "oh and I heard some of your names too Jimin, but honestly I think Jimins sounds the best so you should keep it." "Really?" He nodded with a bunny smile.  Jimin really likes Jungkooks smile so he took his word for it. "Ok, I'll just go by my actually name too" "ok sounds good, Namjoon you got a name yet?" "Yeah, I like Rap Monster" Yoongi was taking a drink of water but then immediately spit it out after he heard that, he was trying to hold in his lafugh but couldn't help it. Namjoon glared at him and soon after he shut up. "So yeah, I'll go by Rap Monster" "is that what you want?" Sejin asked confirming it. He smiled reliving his dimples and nodded. "Yup" "ok, sounds great! Well get this all settled in" he said before walking off to fill out more paper work. The camera man directed the attention to the boys and told them to line up. They did as they where told, and ended the first episode of Run with a bow. Manger Sejin then walked back in a told them that they where free to leave, however Jungkook didn't have a way home because he left his phone in is school uniform so he didn't have a way to call his mom to pick him up. Jungkook felt comfortable around Jimin so he asked him for some help. "Hey, Jiminhyung, I don't have a way to get home..is there a way you could give me a ride..? You don't have to though.." Jimin giggled at the boys cute-shyness "hehe of course! I don't mind at all" "really? Thanks, sorry I didn't mean to bother you." "No no, your not bothering me at all. Plus it gives us more time to hang out" he said with a soft smile. Seeing this made Jungkook fell safe in away and made it to where Jimin was someone easy to talk to. they both got into Jimins car and Jungkook showed him the way to his house. "Thanks aging Hyung" "yah don't mention it, any time" Jungkook waved as he drove away. He went inside to smell a yummy sent fell he house. He still couldn't believe everything that happened. He was so excited to tell Seo everything.

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