Sehun clapped his hands before grabbing his tray and dismissed himself from the table. Still surprised by how calm his friend was, Hyunbin slapped his own cheeks violently before blinking rapidly.

"What if he's planning something? When in a house with an attractive and rich girl, there must be things you want to do--" 

"Stop thinking about inappropriate things in your head and get up. We should get to class before we're late." 

Rubbing his hands together with a sultry gaze, the said female jumped as a pair of hands clamped themselves on his shoulder. Slapping the table after smacking the nasty-minded teenager, Jisoo stood up from the table. Copying his actions, Jongin and Hyunbin followed close behind.


Walking to the high-end apartment building, Sehun let out a breath before buzzing in Heeyeon's penthouse number.

*Hello? Who are you sir?* 

A soft feminine voice answered from the other side.

"Hi. I'm Heeyeon's classmate and we have a project together. My name is Sehun." The female was heard asking somebody a question in the background before answering.

*You may enter sir* 

The door at the entrance buzzed, giving access to the apartment for the teenager. Walking through the brightly lit lobby, marble covered floors and into the elevator, the male stood awkwardly by himself as smooth jazz music played during the ride. 

Seeing the double slide doors open, Sehun walked slowly through the empty hallway before stopping in front two white double doors. Knocking twice, he was greeted by a young women, no older than fifteen, dressed in a traditional maid outfit.

"Hello, Mr. Oh. Miss Heeyeon was expecting you." Extending her arm and letting the male inside first, the female guided the teenager through a long hallway and into the main living room.

"I would advise you not to touch anything that has a picture of her family. They are very precious to Miss Heeyeon." The young girl suddenly whispered quietly to the male after looking around cautiously.

"Why is that?" 

"Just don't. It will save your life if you don't. Do not even think about asking questions on where they are." 

The short female's voice deepened suddenly as she muttered quietly to the male before quickly excusing herself and walking down the hall into a room. Sensing something weird, Sehu placed his school bag on a couch as he heard footsteps rushing down the hall.

"Hey! Was this place hard to find?" 

Heeyeon brushed her hair out off her face before sitting down next to him. Clad in a simple blue dress short-sleeved dress with the hem reaching just reaching her knees, the smiling female let out an airy laugh as she placed her school bag in her lap.

"Not really, since it is the most expensive apartment in this expensive neighborhood." Sehun let out laugh as Heeyeon pulled out her laptop and notebooks.

"Anyways, we should get started before we end up watching a movie. Seohwa, go get us tea." Heeyeon commanded the maid without looking at her, the voice used was deeper and colder than usual.

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