Chapter Twenty One: Enchanting Magic Might Not Come Back

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Shakira's POV

"KICK IT!" Jen screams.

Soccer season has started again and Magic has been sighted a little less. I hoof the ball into the net and the ref blows the whistle signalling game.

My team cheers at the win.

I cheer with them.

I walk to the middle giving the other team hi-fives before grabbing my water and gulping half of it and pouring the rest on my head.

Luminescent walks up. "Good game. Nice goal by the way."

"Thanks." I smile before pecking his lips.

I jump as music starts.

"Party on the field!" Jen yells. I laugh and start dancing with my team members.

"Okay, okay girls." Coach Henson says.

We laugh. "See you girls next game." I say as I grab my bag and take Luminescents hand.

"See you two lovebirds." One of my teammates says.

I roll my eyes as we make our way to my house.

"How's it going with your family?" I ask.

"Good." Luminescent says.

"I'm annoyed I still don't know your secret identity... You know that right?" I say.

"Yeah." Luminescent nods.

"How's your team going?" I ask.

"Good. We've devised a plan."



"I don't get to know it?"


"Love you too."

"I know you do."

I roll my eyes but then Luminescent picks me up. I scream. I still hate flying. I'm still scared of heights.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to come to one of our super meetings." Luminescent says.

"Uh, what?" I ask as we land in my driveway.

"We have a headquarters for SCOPE. Saving Citizens of Planet Earth. And we've figured out what the villains want. I was just wondering if you wanted to come to a meeting." Luminescent shrugs.

"I'm all good. I don't need to get bored." I say.

In reality. I already know everything. I have been there for the meetings every time with Magic. And Luminescent and Selcouth still don't know.

The villains are trying to take over the city... As soon as I heard that in the meeting I screamed Megamind... I was so embarrassed. But, turns out they are building something to open something and a lot of the villains are retired superheroes. See the something, something we haven't figured out yet.

"You won't get bored. And you'll get to meet Enchanting Magic." Luminescent says.

"Seriously, I'm all good." I say.

"Fine. I'm heading to a meeting now, catch you later." Luminescent says pecking my lips.

"Yep. See you later." I say.

He flies off and I make the quick change into my suit and start to fly towards the meeting house. But I spot some of the villains walking.

I fly behind a tree and eavesdrop.

"So our job is to capture Enchanting Magic?" One asks.

"Apparently she's the last thing we need to finish everything." Another says.

"Maybe finding out her secret identity would work." One suggests.

Oh no. I fly away unseen and walk into Rocks house, slamming the door behind me in panic.

"Sorry Rock." I say spotting him, his eyes wide. "I didn't mean to slam the door."

"It's alright." Rock says. "What's wrong? You look worried."

"I saw some villains," I begin, grabbing everyone's full attention. "And I eavesdropped... Apparently I'm the last thing they need."

Everyone is silent.

"Maybe you should stay as your secret identity for a while so they don't have a chance of getting you." Power suggests.

I sigh and rub my temples as I reach out to the villains minds. I haven't stretched so far before...

I feel their thoughts crashing in on me.

Nightmare knows her secret identity. We can ask him. One thinks before I'm forced to leave his mind at the distance.

"F*ck." I swear.

"Geez, calm 'er down." Rock says.

"You don't understand." I shake my head. "Nightmare knows my secret identity."

"What? How?" Selcouth asks.

"Long story that I'm not about to tell. What am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Move? Take your secret identity and move?" Shock suggests.

I give him the 'are you serious look' although it only really shows my lips because my mask covers my eyes.

I start panicking. I pace back and forth.

"You could tell us your secret identity and we could help protect you." Luminescent suggests.

"I don't need protectors. I can handle myself just fine." I retort.

"Woah! It was just a suggestion." Luminescent says.

"But really, what should I do?" I ask.

"We've been giving you suggestions Sh- Magic." Shock says.

I give him a small death glare. "I'm just going to go... I need to clear my mind and think." I say opening the door and leaving before anyone can protest.

I fly to the roof of a building and sit on my board pondering over what to do.

Maybe Magic can take a break for a while... She only needs to appear for certain things... Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I head home and I walk in. I find Calvin on the couch so I stealthily scramble upstairs without being noticed. I change out of my costume and I put it in my closet before going for a walk.

I find myself in a small park. I sit on a swing and think some more. I absently begin to sing, no ones around, no one will hear.

"Brighter than a shooting star..."

I sigh before heading back home.

When will Magic make her next appearance?

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