"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. Those words just slipped an-" I was interrupted by her laughter.

"It's ok Harry you smell good too." I felt relived that she said that and I just smiled at her. "So are we leaving? Cause I'm hungry."

"Yea let's go." I said.

We walked out of her building and we both put our ray bans on hoping paparazzi wouldn't spot us. I walked to the passanger side of my Range Rover and opened the door for her.

"Here we are my lady." she took my hand and started laughing. "Why thank you kind sir." I shut the door and walked to the other side , I started the car and we made our way to Starbucks. The way there we didn't talk much.

Once we got there I turned the car off and got out to open the door for her. We made our way inside and I ordered for both of us, I walked to where she was sitting and handed her the drink.

"Thank you." I smiled at her. "I'm actually suprised you asked me to get coffee." she said looking at me.

"Really? Why would you think that?" I asked really confused. Why wouldn't I be interested in her? She's gorgeous.

"I thought you were into older women." My eyes went wide when she said that and I almost chocked on my drink.

"Are you ok?" She asked concern in her voice. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that it's just that I know you usted to date Caro-" I cut her off from saying her name. I looked at her beautiful brown eyes.

"It's alright and that was a mistake." I looked down. I really did think it was a mistake. What was I thinking in ever dating an older women and me being only 18. I hated myself for that.

"About earlier I'm sorry my father is just a jerk." she looked down and I reached over to hold her hand.

"Hey it's ok I understand wanna talk about it?" I looked at her and saw her chocolate brown eyes and I couldn't help myself but get lost in them.

"There's nothing to say but my father thought I couldn't makeit, he kicked me out, uncle Simon and my mom were the only ones there for me, I made it huge, sold out countless arenas, numerous awards, and now he suddenly wants me just because I'm successful." I looked at her and was surprised at what she had said I mean c'mon her voice was amazing anybody can tell. I saw a tear come out of her eye and I wiped it away with my hand.

"Sorry but enough about me tell me about the heart throb Harry Styles." She smiled up at me. God that smile I just wanted to kiss her!

"Well my name is Harry Edward Styles and I'm from Holmes Chapel. I usted to work in a bakery and then I just auditioned for the x- factor. My mums name is Anne and well my real father kinda bailed on us but my mums with this great guy named Robin so I'm happy for her. I was devastated when we got 3rd but Simon signed us anyway and we released a single. Big Time Rush then asked us to be their opening act and here we are working on our first album." I looked up at her and saw her beautiful face hoping it wasn't a dream all that I said.

"Well we leave for the tour in 5 days so we're gonna be stuck with each other till February. I hope I can survive especially with Louis that guy is just hilarious I like him."

My smile faded when she said that and I just wanted to punch Louis in the face. I guess she saw my facial expression.

"Not like that I meant as a friend I like all of you as friends." she said quickly.

I wanna be more then friends. I like you. Be my girlfriend? I wanted to say all of that but I stopped myself knowing Simon would kick my arse.

"Hey you wanna go to the park?" She said.

"Yea c'mon let's go." I got up and threw our trash away and opened the door for her. The park was nearby so we just walked.

I saw a football (soccer) lying around and just started kicking it around until I saw Claire coming towards me and taking it away from me. I stood there absolutely gobsmacked at what she just did, I'm telling you she never ceases to amaze me.

"Hey Curly you just gonna stand there or are we gonna have a friendly soccer match?" she said smirking at me.

I'm telling you she's full of surprises. I started running towards her and she beat my arse at the end 4 to 2.

"Well curly looks like you have to take me out to dinner." She said laughing at me. I huffed pretending to be mad but inside I started liking her more.

She's perfect.

After that I took her home and we said our goodbyes. The whole drive home I was thinking of her and thinking of today I just wanted her more.

I remembered what her father said and now I was more then willing to prove him, Simon, and everybody wrong.

Never in my life have I ever felt so strongly for a girl as I did for Claire.

That moment driving home I decided to change. I decided to change for Claire Woods.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن