Chapter 29

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Corey's POV

 "You sure about this?" Jordin asked me.

 "Yeah." I said.

 We were sitting in a dance studio because I put the word out that I needed a look-alike for a video I was doing and I knew this dude would come. There was no video but I had to get him here somehow. I had my lawyer waiting to give the dude a sapena. Dudes came in and learned choreography from Courtney. I couldn't really spot dude until Jordin told them to state their numbers and names. I noticed he colored his hair again. I gotta say we did look alike but he had a lot of tattoos.

 "Okay, will call you in one by one asking some questions starting with." She said as she looked for his name. "Maurice Jones."

 All the other guys left the room and he stood in the middle of the room. I looked at Jordin and Courtney before I started my questions.

 "Maurice right?" I said.

 "Yeah." He said.

 "Do people say you look like me a lot?" I asked

 "Yeah, I get that." He said.

 "So you been to the 40/40 club before?" I asked.

 "Yeah, I partied there a few months back. It got pretty crazy." He said laughing.

 "Well that's where the video will be shot." I said. "And this is the lead girl."

 I pulled out a picture of Ashley and he started laughing.

 "What?" I said as I laughed.

 "I know her." He said.

 "How?" I asked.

 "We partied at 40/40." He said.

 "Really" I said. "Well we'll be in touch." 

 He nodded and left the room. When he did that I text my lawyer who was waiting outside to go ahead and sapena him.

 "Well we got him." Courtney said.

 "Finally, I'm trying to get this girl out of my life for good." I said.

 After we went through the false questioning of the dancers we left the building to go back home. Jordin took a cab back to her hotel and I had my car. When me and Courtney was walking to the garage I got a blow to the face. I fell to the ground but got back up fast and saw it was that look-alike. I punched him back and when he fell I kicked him while he was down there. Courtney pulled me off of him and we got in the car and she drove home. My lip was busted and I was pissed. I guess he was mad about the sapena . She stopped the car in front of the house and I immediately got out. I don't want to talk to anybody. I left my key so I had to ring the doorbell.

 "Corey, hold up." I heard Courtney say.

 Sasha opened the door.

 "What happened to your face?" She said.

 "Move, Sasha!" I said as I walked in the house.

 "Get your boxers out your butt!" She yelled.

 I got to the steps and BK was laying on them talking on the phone.

 "Move." I said.

 She put who ever she was talking to on hold and looked at me.

 "You can ask me nicely like your mother taught you." She said.

 I physically moved her into the floor as I went up the steps.

 "You ass!" She yelled as I went and slammed my door because I wanted to be alone.

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