“Are you okay?” Ethan checks her eyes. She is one of the ones Deucalion wants, but she has to still be an alpha for that.

“Yeah,” Embry lets out a breath.

“Your eyes,” Ethan states, “Let me see your eyes.” Embry furrows her eyebrows, but obliges. Her eyes shine red. Ethan lets out the breath he was holding and stands back up. Embry stands and walks out of the hospital. She can’t be in there anymore. The amount of death was overwhelming. Scott and Ethan follow her out. In some sort of argument.

Embry walks out into the middle of the road. Chanting flows in her ears. She’s heard it before, she just doesn’t remember where. A car is driving towards her, swerving and colliding with other cars.

“Scott?!” Embry’s voice wavers. Threatening to fail on her.

“What the hell is that?” The car smashes into another, stopping completely.

Embry stands next to Stiles, her arms crossed as Stiles explains.

“Hang on, hang on. They were both in the car?” Sheriff Stilinski is clearly confused.

“No, dad, they're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings, okay? Two doctors, both gone,” Stiles talks very animatedly.

    “So whose car is this?” Sheriff glances at the two teens.

“Dr. Hilyard, the on-call doctor,” Embry answers, letting her hands fall to her sides, “The E.R. attending is the one that never made it in.”

    “Let me just focus on getting your story first, all right?” The teens nod.

“Yeah,” The kids nod as the Sheriff walks away.

    “Hey, give me a second, yeah?” Embry grabs Stiles. A pleading look in her eye. He nods and walks over to Scott. Embry takes a deep breath and centers. herself. She has been trying to control the weird vision thing. Maybe this could help. Like practice.

Embry closes her eyes, focusing. Images flash through her head. Someone is lying in a hospital bed. Embry can’t make out who, but the top of their head is wrapped in bandages. The scene changes. A monster stands in front of her, letting out a roar.

Stiles glances at Embry from across the parking lot. She stands, her back facing him, her arms dangle by her sides as her shoulder jerks. Stiles furrows his eyebrows and starts towards her. Once he places a hand on her shoulder, she jerks away, her eyes snapping open, silver. They slowly fade back.

“Em? Embry, what is it? Are you okay? Did you have another vision?” Stiles anxiously lets out questions. But Embry has a grin on her face. She did it.

“I’m okay,” Embry smiles, proud of herself, “I did it. I had control. I saw what happened.” Embry squeals and claps. Stiles smirks at her.

“So, what did you see?” Embry’s face darkens.

“Someone, a girl, in a hospital bed. Then something like a monster, growling and attacking me, it scratched my shoulder,” Embry reach up, grabbing her shoulder, a distant look in her eyes, “And then….” Embry stops talking.

“Embry?” Stiles hesitates, afraid she might get startled.

“Someone is going to die, the next full moon.”

    “Really, boys? Boys!” Melissa yells, waking the two boys, “What do you think you're doing?” In the corner, Embry smirks. She didn’t fall asleep at all last night, just incase they did.

“Uh, we were watching over you,” Isaac hesitates.

    “We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice,” Scott finishes.

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