Lionel changes!? Hanta is going to try to be your hero!

Start from the beginning

Bakugou:" I chose the 4th top hero blue jeanist!"
      The firecracker boasted.

Kirishima:" I chose Fourth kind. It seemed like a cool agency. Who did you choose (Y/N)?"

(Y/N):" Aizawa."

Bakugou:" You got guts the training might be brutal."
(Y/N):" Please I grew up on the streets of a horrible neighborhood where people fought 24/7 I can handle this."
         I said with determination. Putting a fist into the air as I laughed heartily.
         After school me and Hanta
walked to Tony's and Unfortunately ran into Seki.

Seki:" Well, Well, Well if it isn't (N/N)."

(Y/N):" Come on Hanta."
          I grabbed Hanta's hand as I
attempted to cover up my bloody past. Hanta pulled from my grip and stood face to face with Seki.

Hanta:" How do you know (Y/N)? "

Seki:" You don't know do you?'

(Y/N):" Seki Shut up!"

Seki:" That girl is an animal she covers her past like a god Damn coward."

(Y/N):" Shut up Seki Im serious."

Hanta:" What is he talking about
(Y/N)? "

Seki:" This girl used to get into so many fights back then.  Its always ended up bloody."
     I clenched my fists as I heard
Hanta grab Seki by his shirt.

Hanta:" Shut Your dirty mouth."

"Oi (N/N) Your Coming back to the gang?"

Hanta:" Gang? "
       Hanta turned around to see
people who looked like hooligans.

(Y/N):" N-No..."
        I'm so scared right now. Hanta will know all my past and he'll leave me and be who would want to be friends with a hooligan. But as the boys from my old gang took a hold of my wrists. I had to defend myself. They knew exactly how to push my buttons.
       I threw a punch at one of the
boy in front of me. His nose gushing and my knuckles covered with blood.

Seki:" See she can't help but start fights."

Hanta:" Sh-She was defending herself."

Seki:" So you don't believe me."
        Seki's quirk is teleportation
So he teleported behind me and lifted up the side of my shirt to show the scars I had on my hip. He lifted my skirt so Hanta could see the claw marks of their weapons grazing my legs.

Seki:" She's covered in blood. A reapeative pattern. An addiction."

         That did it Hanta attempted
to knock out Seki with his tape, But as Hanta's tape past me I grabbed it and knocked out Seki myself by roundhouse kicking him Square in the face. The boy I had punched earlier punched me in the gut. I grunted a bit. And Hanta stepped forward and ran towards me pushing me behind him and fighting them by himself. I stood there feeling useless.
   After Hanta yelled at the group of hooligans to fuck off, they ran.

Hanta:" Are you okay?"

(Y/N):" Yeah, come on."
        I walked past Hanta and soon we were in an alley way I knocked on a door.

Hanta's P. O. V
         When she knocked on
the random door I wasn't expecting her friends to show.


(Y/N):" I got in a fight that's it."
           She went in and Tony
looked at her with worry and concern.

Tony:" Oh I'm sorry where are my manners Please come in you look a little beat up yourself."
          I nodded and walked in to
see (Y/N) sitting on a table being patched up by a man with a gray badhead.

Butch:" Your the boy named Hanta right?  The names Butch nice to meetcha!"
         He took my hand and shook
it. He had such a strong grip. So kind of took me by suprise. He closed in to get a look at my forehead.

Butch:" Shit they got a slice on ye forehead."
      Butch went back it where
(Y/N) was and finished the stiches on her and came over to me stitching the wound on my forehead.

Butch:" There ya go. But it seems to me you and (Y/N) need to talk. So me and Tony will be in the kitchen."

Tony:" B-But Butch!"

Butch:" Get ya ass in the kitchen Tony."

Tony:" Oh Alright."
          As Tony and Butch exited
the room I walked over to (Y/N) and sat next to her.

(Y/N):" I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore...."

Hanta:" Why would I not want to be friends anymore over one thing about your past."
       She said nothing and hugged
her knees burying her face in them. In was going to pat her on the back but I stopped, She doesn't need to be consolted She needs to know I still wanna be friends.

Hanta:" When that boy, Seki was it? Said that you have a repetitive pattern of blood and you start fights I didn't believe him. But I guess is true... Well we all have a past we want to forget right?"
         She nodded.

Hanta:" But sometimes we need that past, its a part of what helps shape who we were then, who we are now, and who we'll be in 10 years from now. (Y/N) I still wanna be friends. Friends Don't run away from each other they expect them for who they were then and who they are now. I'm never going to leave no matter how bad the past is."
         She looked up at me tears flowing down her cheeks non-stop, her taking sharp intakes of breath She looked like She wanted to say something but couldn't, she looked somewhat relieved for the first time I actually saw what her being relieved looked like. And like a dam waiting for all the water to break free from one area the dam cracked and broke. She threw her arms around me hugging me tight and crying. Saying thank yous' inbetween gasps as she cried into my shoulder. I hugged her back feeling like I had done her a huge favor that no one had ever done her.
It's officially Hanta Sero's Birthday! So if you do Bnha One-Shots show him some love. And do a one-shot dedicated to him. Because Im doing a whole book about him! Because Its his birthday I decided to release Its Today!

Hanta x Reader: I need a friend not a heroWhere stories live. Discover now