SMUT! Jack Kline x Reader

Start from the beginning

Unfortunately, his time in the bubble got cut short by the faint noise of muffled begging. Jack sat there for a moment listening until he recognized the voice. Quickly he got up out of the car and looked around for Y/N, not seeing her anywhere. Getting her brothers would be the logical choice, but that would take time with Dean in the store getting food and gas and Sam in the bathroom. No, Y/N needed to be found now and he was going to find her. Jack closed his eyes and focused on the source of the sound, feeling himself being pulled in every direction as his body was teleported to a spot surprisingly deep in the small forest behind the gas station. A quick glance around showed him that he was in the right spot when a horrible sight greeted him.

The leaves under his feet crunched as he walked over to the scene in front of him. Watching the man just standing by a tree while the other hovered on top of the woman on the ground. Looking like he was holding her down and stopping her from moving. All it took was the sound of crying from under the man's hand for something to snap in Jack as his fist clenched in balls by his side. "Get off of her or I will make you get off of her," Jak said harshly as he watched the two men with white-hot anger in his eyes. When they did not move Jack felt his anger starting to take him over. "Now!" He demanded loudly, focused on the man that was laughing and walking towards him from his spot watching by the tree.

"Walk away kid." The man watching said harshly as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at his chest. Jack felt his anger bubble over and the man looked startled as the reflection of glowing yellow reflected back at Jack in the man's eyes. "Enough of this." The man said as he raised his gun and fired a shot right at Jack's chest. Jack could hear the gunshots going off as he walked closer to the man and raised his hand. "What are you?" He asked with awe in his eyes as he dropped the now empty gun on the ground. Jack wasted no words on the man and just touched that pasty white forehead and down he went. A quick glance showed Jack that the man that was on Y/N was now running away. He raised his hand and closed his eyes as he focused his energy and a woosh of air could be felt and the man could be heard yelling before a loud thud.

Now that the men were dealt with he had to focus on Y/N. Jack rushed over to Y/N's side and quickly pulled off his over-shirt to cover her exposed body. "They just came out of nowhere." Y/N said softly, her whole body shaking as her arms suddenly wrapped around his neck tightly. This woman, while she might not be as experienced as her brothers in fighting monsters was a force to be reckoned with. Y/N was smart and had a vast knowledge of supernatural creatures and the ways to kill them. Yet, her brothers sheltered her a lot and she was not as heavily trained as one would think. The woman was in no way weak because of her lack of training. Y/N had survived a lot of horrible things in her life in the short time she was around. So, seeing her this broken and scared was hard for him. Jack was at a complete loss as to what to do about this situation. Jack barely knew how to deal with his own emotions yet alone comforting another person with their own.

Jack slowly wrapped his arms around Y/N and held her close. Hoping that it would provide some kind of comfort to the woman. It took a moment of thinking for him to figure out what to do next. "You are safe Y/N. I will not let anything hurt you." Jack said softly, closing his eyes and hearing the wheeze in her breathing. Tightening his grip on the woman a little Jack felt his energy moving to Y/N, the bright glow of his energy surrounding the pair for a moment before Jack opened his eyes again and looked down at Y/N. The woman was still crying but her blood and colourful bruises were gone. "We need to get back to Sam and Dean, they will be worried at the gunshot." He explained as Y/N rested her head on his shoulder and he rubbed her back to see if it would help. She seemed so small and fragile right now. It was hard to believe that this woman had kills of her own under her belt and was the fierce fighter that she was.

Jack closed his eyes as he held Y/N close and there was a sudden jerk in his entire body, and a feeling like every part of him was in a blender for a brief moment. When his eyes opened next they were sitting in the back of the familiar car, Y/N's arms still wrapped tightly around his shoulders as they sat beside each other on the bench seat. Y/N was so close to him that he could feel her warm breath on his neck as she calmed further. "Please don't tell them what happened Jack, please. Just come up with something. They will never let me out of the bunker if they find out what happened." Y/N said softly as she looked into his eyes with her emerald ones. Practically begging him with her eyes.

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