Chapter Nineteen

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            I woke to the sight of bright sunlight and a dark brown head. I smiled. Aria had stayed over the entire night, just like she’d promised.

She was still asleep, her makeup washed off, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. She looked so peaceful, lying there asleep.

I remember each bit of last night (probably because my arse wasn’t completely drunk like last time). Aria and I ate dinner, I sang to her, and we finally kissed. I admitted my feelings for her and got the biggest shock of my life. She felt the same way about me as I felt about her.

Her big, hazel eyes fluttered open. “Hey sleepyhead,” I said, kissing the tip of her nose. She groaned and rolled onto her stomach, burring her face into the pillow.

“Five more minutes?” she said. I laughed. She’s clearly not a morning person.

“No love, it’s vital that you get up right now”. She groaned and got out of bed.

‘This isn’t fair,” she whined. I laughed again.

“I’ll make you coffee”. She smiled sweetly and kissed my cheek.

“Thanks Niallangelo”, she said before turning over on her side, closing her eyes, and going back to sleep.

I made a pot of coffee and grinned, thinking up the best way to wake Aria up. I grabbed my guitar and walked over to the bed.

I began strumming it and singing:


It’s time to wake up

Little Aria

Begin your day

With your pot of coffee

To keep you moving, and awake

And keep you from

Biting my head off


You’re so beautiful when you sleep

But so beautiful when awake

So now it’s time to…






I dropped the guitar and continued to yell for her to get up. She groaned, grabbed my pillow, and put it over her head so that her ears were covered.

I (being the lovely gentleman that I am) jumped on her, pulled the covers off, and whispered “wake up, sleepyhead”.

“Niall, I hate you,” she grumbled. I laughed and pulled the pillow away from her face.

“You do not. You like me,” I teased, winking at her. She giggled. Finally, something more than a grumble from her.

“You like me more,” she teased back.

I chuckled and pecked her on the lips. “I like you, much, much more”.

“You loooooove me,” she said, giggling. “You looooove me. You think I’m gorgeoussssss. You wannna kisss meee. You wanna marryyyyy me,” she said, quoting Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality.

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