Chapter Twelve

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About two months later


“Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make, “I said, looking at Liam, Louis, Zayn, Perrie, Danielle, Eleanor, and Alison. “I understand that Niall and Aria both claim to not have feelings for each other. And that was entirely true perhaps about a month or so back. But now Niall won’t bloody shut up about how amazing Aria is. I love my mate Niall, as I know all of us do. But he’s too bloody scared to admit to himself or anyone else for that matter that he likes her”.

Alison’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head. “Niall likes Aria? Where have I been for this!”

“I’m sorry love. It’s not a confirmed like quite yet. But every single bloody time we see him its,” I put on my best fake Irish accent, “Aria’s such a sweet lass. Aria cooks so bloody good, I want to eat her whole kitchen. Aria’s hair smells like fruit and flowers. Aria looked so pretty today. Aria’s so intelligent, she and I had the loveliest conversation today about literature. Aria smells so nice. Aria does such a good job helping me with my public image. Aria comforts me around screaming crying fans. Aria this, Aria that-“.

“Thank you Harry, we bloody get it,” Danielle said.

“Niall’s always been a shy boy around the ladies,” Louis said.

“Boobear, I know.

Louis grinned. “And that is why, as his friends, we need to help him push past his fear. And make him realize that he likes her. And help in chase his gal”.

Liam groaned. “I can see this going horribly wrong already”.

“Shh Liam. I think, as long as we approve of Harry’s plan and make sure it’s not to… erm eccentric, it will be perfectly fine. Let’s hear the plan Harry,” Danielle said with a smile.

“Ermm. That’s the problem you see. I haven’t exactly got one formed quite yet,” I said. “Any ideas?”

“I have one,” Zayn said, grinning mischievously.


Under the lights tonight. You turned around, and you stole my heart. With just one look. When I saw your face. I fell in love. It took a minute girl, to steal my heart tonight. With just one look, yeah. Been waiting for a girl like you

“Hello,” I said, answering my cell phone.

“Aria, I have a surprise for you!” Alison said.

“Oh dear. What is it?”

“Go over to Niall’s. We just told him, now it’s time to tell you!”

“I groaned. Fineee, I’ll be right there”.

“Shush, it’s a good surprise. I promise. Bye”.

“So what’s the big news?” I asked after Niall had let me in.

Louis grinned. “We are spending some quality time all together in…. Portugal!”

“That’s great,” I said, grinning. Then I realized the inevitable. “I don’t have that kind of money…”

Harry laughed. “We’re bloody paying for you both, no questions about it”.

“Ya. We’re practically swimming in all the dough,” Louis added.

“I can’t let you guys pay that much money for us to go”.

“Shush. Just cook for us a few times while we’re there and we’ll be even,” Liam said.

I smiled. “Ok”. We were going to Portugal. With One Direction. Could things get anymore marvelous?


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