Chapter Thirteen- Aria

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“Amor, quers ir voltar para o meu apartament comigo?” (Love, do you want to come back to my apartment with me?) Miguel asked. He was cute. He towered over me, probably about 5’10” or so. He had long, dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, and tan skin. His black t-shirt accentuated his muscular figure.

I wasn’t looking at him when he said it. I was barely paying attention in fact. Because at that very moment, I saw Niall get up from his seat at the bar and fall on the floor. I let out a squeak of horror. Was he ok?

“Amor?” Miguel asked annoyed with me. He was sweet. And adorable. And horny. Essentially he was the typical boy. With one difference: overconfidence.

He had been nice, calling me beautiful constantly and whatnot. But he kept peeking down my dress every so often. And when we slow danced his hands kept sliding down my back, dangerously close to my butt.

He was also a stranger. And Niall needed help. I peeked over to where Niall was. Liam and Danielle stood beside him and Liam was helping him up.

I explained to Miguel in Portuguese that I had had a lovely evening with him, but my drunk friend was in trouble and I had to help him. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before running after Liam and Niall. They went to the men’s bathroom, marked homens.

I wanted to be mad at Niall. I should be furious actually. But I’m not. Being drunk, he looked so helpless. It wasn’t completely his fault, I thought. For some reason he had been pissed off and kept asking for drinks. And the bartender had kept them coming.

I heard the sounds of someone being violently ill. Oh god, Niall.

I knocked frantically on the door. “Niall! Niall Horan! Are you in there?” I called.

“He’s in here,” Liam called.

I walked into the bathroom. Niall was being held upright by Liam and Zayn.

“You can’t be here. Its, it’s the boys loo here. If you have to go to the toilet I’m afraid you’ll have to use the lady’s loo,” Niall slurred to me. I rolled my eyes. This was why I didn’t drink alcohol.

“Keys please,” I said to Liam, holding my hand out. He dropped them into my hand.

“Here’s a twenty for the cab fare,” Louis said to me.

“Are you sure you want to bring him home? We can do it,” Harry said.

“It’s ok. I’ll do it. You all just have a good time, ok?”

The boys helped me get Niall into the cab. Luckily, seatbelt laws weren’t as strict in Portugal as they were in the States, so I was able to just leave Niall lying down.

Niall had his head in my lap and I stroked his soft blonde hair. “I want to go home,” he whispered, sounding like a frightened child.

“I know sweetie. We’re going home right now”.

“Ok,” he said. His eyelids fluttered shut and he drifted off to sleep.

When the cab arrived in front of the apartment, I shook Niall in attempt to wake him up.

“Bloody hell mum, let me sleep,” he mumbled. I grabbed a bit of his hair and yanked.

“OWW!” he yelled, jolting awake.

“Come on sweetie. We gotta get you up to your room”.

I gave the cab driver the twenty Louis had given to me earlier. Somehow I managed to get Niall out of the cab, into the hotel, up the elevator, and into his room.

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