Heeeeeelllll No (To The No, To The No No No)

Start from the beginning

Bakugou doesn't realize he's heaving before it's too late, and he's already thrown up all over Dabi.

Bitch deserved it.

They're all laughing at him now. He wants to scream and cry and shout but he can't, all he can do is watch and feel angry tears drip, hot and silent down his face, and oh god it's just like when All For One showed up he never stopped he didn't give him any space or time he just kept looking into his mind going deeper and deeper and-

Someone slaps him back to reality.

His face stung. The blond bitch had slapped him, box cutter in hand. "If you don't stop sniveling, I'm going to cut your throat." She growled.

Bakugou can't nod, so he moved his eyes in a gesture of finality.

"Dabi, Sako, stop messing with him. We came here to find the leader of the League, not mind rape the bastard."

Dabi and Mr. Compress got their act together. The lone figure in the corner snapped his fingers again, and Bakugou collapsed onto the floor, dizzy, mind reeling with all of the awful events coming back to him and-


Deku is alive.

He's safe.

You didn't come this far for him only to get killed by these has-beens. So man up.

Bakugou took a deep breath. He'd heard the blonde correctly. They wanted to find Deku, right?

Well, he wouldn't let them.

"So-uh-" Bakugou's voice was gravely from being put in a chokehold.

"You-What should I call you anyway?" He realized he needed time. He needed to stall. It was a cliche plan but it might work just as long as he doesn't give it away.

"My name is Korijikan." She snaps. "And stop stalling. I know that's what you're doing, so let's get to the point."

Bakugou's heart sank. Scratch that from the list.

"We know you've seen the League's leader. We know you know him. Who is he?"

Bakugou started to sweat.

"I-I don't-"

A pain flares up in his back and it hurts, oh god it hurts it feels like when Dabi kept burning him and, god, he can't think about that right now!

"Lie, and Dabi will burn you." Korijikan said. She yanked Bakugou up by his collar and looked him in the face. "Who. Is he."

"I'm not telling." Bakugou grunts. And for good measure, he spits in her face.

She dropped him, and kicked his ribcage. As she was wiping off her face, he curled into a ball and growled, the pain in his ribs making it very hard for him to concentrate.

"Bitch." She chuckled. "I heard you were feisty but wow. That's cold." She grabbed him by the throat and started to squeeze.

And suddenly it's not Korijikan anymore it's Toga and she's laughing and he's naked and he can't feel anything but the cuts in his chest and her repeatedly pounding into him and his hallucinations of Deku laugh and he's going to die he's going to die-

But then one of the Dekus kick Toga in the face-

And it's not Toga anymore, it's Korijikan, and she was wrestling with a familiar looking figure but he couldn't see anymore because his vision is tunneling and it's all going black-

The Greenlight Bar- A BakuDeku fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now