moving halfway across the world only to find that I'm different ch7

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hey so sorry i havent uploaded in a looonnng time but good news i have written alot more chapters and lets just say things will get more interesting from now on (at least i hope so=p)

so comment and vote! thanks=D

Chapter 7

"Beep beep." I looked out the window and saw Ally's car in the driveway. I quickly grabbed my beach bag and quietly left the room careful not to wake up my mother. After the fight we had last night, having another encounter with her was not something I wanted to have at eight o'clock in the morning. Stealthily walking down the stairs I quickly slid through the door and ran to the car.

"Hey sorry I took so long, I kinda had to sneak out of the house after the huge fight I had last night with my mom." Closing the door I turned to hug Ally and noticed the amazing Ray Bans she was sporting with a pink summer dress and black flip flops, she looked like a swimsuit model out of the cover of vogue or some other glamorous magazine.

"No problem. I had to touch up on my make-up anyways. So tell me what happened with your mom last night, I know how annoying parental drama can be, trust me." She said while reversing out of the drive way and heading for the beach.

"It was nothing really we just had an argument about my dad wanting to talk to us and how I should respect him and be the bigger person and shit like that. I swear after that I just couldn't stand to be in that house for another minute." I replied while turning up the music. "I'm actually really excited about this whole beach thing it couldn't have come at a better time."

"Ha ha ya I know what you mean. And trust me after Rafe see's you in that bikini I gave you last week he won't be able to look away for a second."

"Ya about that..."

"Wait, please tell me that you didn't chicken out and decide not to wear it today, because if you did then I will totally kill you!" she turned towards me with a death glare fully intending to punish me for not wearing the turquoise halter top bikini that she gave last week to wear. I really was planning on wearing the suit but at the last minute I freaked out and instead chose to wear my purple tankini instead. I wasn't used to bearing so much skin and to be honest I haven't completely gotten used to showing any skin yet. After coming from such a conservative culture where women are practically covered from head to toe, even wearing a bikini was a little disconcerting. And after all, its not like I had the body to pull off that kind of swim suit.

"I just didn't feel too comfortable showing my stomach like that and besides I really don't have the most amazing body in the world, and I certainly do not have a flat stomach like you do."

"What? Are you kidding me? You have curves any women would die for and your tall which is a plus whereas I am just like a plank, no curves and no boobs." She replied looking down at her chest as so to emphasize the 'no boobs part'. "And you don't need a flat stomach to pull off a bikini you just need to be comfortable in the skin that your in." she said with a smile plastered on her face exactly like that of a mom telling her daughter she was much prettier than the mean popular girls.

"Ya easy for you to say, you always look like you've come out from some sort of fashion photo shoot."

"OK, lets just change the subject and agree to disagree?" she replied calling for a truce.


"Well at least we know that one things for certain..." Ally said while wiggling her eyebrows and grinning playfully.

"What?" I asked cautiously, not certain of what she was going to say next.

"You will absolutely swoon at the site of Rafe with his shirt off, I know I always do." she replied practically laughing as she said so.

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