Chapter 1

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All of a sudden Samantha and I are in the middle of some woods. This doesn't make any sense, we were just in Atlanta? I was freaking out. "Sam, can you please tell me where the hell we are?" I said. Sam looked at me like I was stupid, as usual. "I know as much as you," she said. I couldn't believe this, just what we needed was to be zapped God knows where.

I looked on the ground and picked up my machete I had dropped. "Oh, that's just great. Just wonderful. A minute ago we were wasting a vamp nest, and now we're over the rainbow. Man, I bet they got away." I said. I was beyond pissed. I hadn't killed any vampires in months.

Sam just looked at me with her Shut the hell up face. "I think we have bigger fish to fry, Deanna." Sam looked around to see if she could figure out where we were. "First of all, we need to find a way out of this forest. If we do, hopefully we can find our way back to Atlanta."

"Fine, but if we get back there and those vamped dicks screwed up my car, I'm gonna kill somebody." I had just remembered we drove the Impala to the abandoned warehouse where they were at. Sam just looked at me and repeated what she said earlier, "Bigger fish."

We started walking until we found a trail head. I hadn't killed anything in over a week and I was starting to feel the effects from the Mark. I know I needed to tell her, I just couldn't find the right words. Really though, how do you tell someone that the Mark you got from the Knight of Hell, Cain, turned you into a demon when you died? I interrupted my own thoughts when I realized how long we had been walking.

"How long have we been walking? I think I just hit menopause two mile markers back." As I knew she would, Sam looked back at me with her classic bitch face. "Stop complaining." she said. After that, I saw three more mile markers before we finally reached a gas station. I was overjoyed, "Oh thank God."

The first thing Sam does is run over to the newspaper stand to see where we were. I, on the other hand went in the gas station and bought a few things. Couple of waters, a banana for Ms. Health Nut, and a cherry pie for me. I walked out of the store and Sam was sitting on the side walk. I sat beside her and handed her her goods while I chowed down on my pie.

She looked at me, "Really? We just walked five miles and your first thought is pie?" I can't believe she even asked that, "Sam, my first thought of the day is pie. When don't I think about pie?" She rolled her eyes at me and looked back at the newspaper. "Well, good news is we're still in 2014." I let out a sigh of relief, "So where are we?" I laid my empty pie container next to me. "Says here we're in Rogersville, Tennessee." she said.

Why here? I thought to myself. I'm sure Sammi was thinking the same. "Oh, that's great. Maybe we'll run into Kenny Chesney." I said. She looked at me confused. "Uh... he grew up in Knoxville." It never surprises me anymore at how much random crap she knows. "Why do you even know something like that? You don't even like country." I knew I wouldn't like the answer so I walked away, "I'm going to get us a car, any preference?" I looked back at her, "No trucks, okay?" she said.

"Easier said than done around here, Sammi." I walked across the street into a neighborhood. It took me about 5 minutes to find a suitable car. A 2014 camaro would do just fine. Plus it was lime green with black racing stripes. It was a small change from my baby. I drove up to Sam and revved the engine. "Get in." I said. She looked at me stunned, "This is a little flashy, even for you."

I rolled my eyes at her, "It matches my eyes. Fifty years from now, don't you want to be able to look back and say you had the guts to get in the car?" She looked at me like I had to have been joking. "Did you really just quote Transformers?" I formed a smirk on my face and she got in. I put the gas pedal to the floor and we took off.

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