Curing His Love Allergy| BWWM

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"What?" I began slowly "Are you trying to make a joke or something."

He smirked at me. "Nope."

"So you're allergic to love?"


"That makes no sense whatsoever," I snapped.

"Sure it does, people are allergic to fish and peanuts so I'm allergic to love," he smirked arrogantly.

. . .

"Okay then," I sighed. "I hope you find a cure for your unusual allergy."

He chuckled lowly. "Like that would ever happen," he muttered in disbelief before continuing to read.


Alessia Stewart is a teenage girl who has a bubbly personality and loves to have crazy fun, but get on her wrong side and she'll unleash her ferocious temper. She's beautiful, daring, and not afraid to put up a fight for what she wants. Just spend time with her and she'll put a smile on your face in seconds.

Dylan Scarlett, the egostic, troublesome and famous quarterback of Daleton High School's Mighty Eagles. The ladies love him and why wouldn't they? he's got the good looks, the charm and the fame but he's not interested in love. He actually claims you be allergic to it.

Alessia moves next door to Dylan and he doesn't hesitate to give his new neighbors a 'cordial' welcome. Just when Alessia thought things couldn't get any worse, she finds out that she's going to his school. With her crazy friends and Dylan's continuous attempts at slowly driving her mad, her life just got a whole lot more interesting.

Join Alessia on a humorous journey to find the cure to Dylan's love allergy.


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