Lost and Love

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WARNING: MATURE SCENE UP AHEAD! If you don't feel comfortable reading the scene, skip this chapter. Thanks! 

After what happened, Dally and I decided to go for a walk. Hand in Hand, we walked through the woods. "I am so glad you're okay, baby." Dally said. "thanks, Dal." I replied. We walked and walked and walked. Soon, the sun was setting. But, we didn't know which way our camp was. Dally and I tried to retrace our steps, but we ended up deciding we would stay where we were and wait till morning.

Luckily, Dally and I had a blanket since we ended up having a picnic. Dally layed down the blanket. We watched the stars. I looked at Dally, and he looked at me. I loved Dally. I loved him with all my heart. "What's on your mind babe?" Dally asked. I looked at Dally. "I love you." I said. Dally kissed me. We ended up having a heated make out session. Dally looked at me for permission. We continued. Dally stripped me of my clothing, and I did the same to him. We had sex, right there in the woods. It was amazing. Dally and I cuddled after. Dally kissed my head, and we fell asleep.

Dally and I woke up the next morning. It took us hours but we finally made it back to our campsite. As soon as the gang saw us hey ran up to us. "What happened? Where the hell were you?" Darry asked seriously. "Dally and I got lost. We couldn't see in the dark, so we just stayed where we were until morning." I said smoothly. "alright well, thank god you're here. I can't stay another day getting attacked by mosquitos." Darry laughed. We all cleaned up the campsite, and we went to the car, and drove home. I made eye contact with Dally, and he winked at me. I blushed. 

 I just fell in love with him all over again.  

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