What Happened To Me?

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Dally's POV

Darry and I started yelling at Angel. She passed out. I picked her up bridal style and everyone ran her to the Curtis house. We saw a lot of blood on her upper stomach. ALl of the sudden Darry cursed. "Shit!" He said. "What's wrong man." I asked. "She saved me. I didn't realize it until now, but she saved me. She jumped in front of me when someone was about to stab me. We gotta get her home right away." Darry said. I broke into a sprint with Darry right on my heels. We got to the Curtis's house and we placed her on the couch Darry ran into the bathroom to get the medical stuff. I kissed Angel's lips and held her hand. Darry ran back to the couch. Darry looked at me and said, "We are going to need to take her shirt off to see the wound." I got protective. "We can't just lift it up?" I asked. "No Dal." Darry said. Before Darry continued he kissed Angel's head and said, "Please be okay." 

The gang started to pile in when Darry started to take off Angel's shirt. Almost instantly, Two Bit and Steve got protective. "DARRY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Two bit asked. "Yeah Dare stop taking her shirt off!" Steve exclaimed. "Guys she got stabbed I need to clean and wrap the wound." Darry said calmly. "Oh." Everyone in the room said. Darry took off Angel's shirt. She had a 6 pack and a really nice body. I am so lucky to have this girl, but right now we have to fix her up. Darry grabbed some stuff to clean the wound and he poured it on the cut. Then he got a sponge and cleaned all the blood and got a new sponge. Then with the ne sponge he applied a lot of pressure, then he got medical tape and wrapped it tightly around Angel's body. Now..We Wait.

Angel's POV

I woke up with my head in Dally's lap. Dally was stroking my hair. My feet were in Darry's lap and he had his hand rested on my leg. I saw the Tape wrapped around me and I freaked. "What the hell happened? Where the hell is my shirt?!" I said sitting up quickly. Big mistake. I felt a horrible pain in my stomach. Oh, right, I was stabbed. Dally and Darry got up instantly. Ponyboy ran and got me water. Johnny grabbed my hand and asked if I was okay. Steve, Carly, and Two Bit hugged me, and Darry ran to grab me food. I ate the food, drank the water, and we all watched TV. Darry told the gang to go check on the chocolate cake in the oven because he wanted to talk to me alone. 

"Listen, Angel. I just wanted to thank you so much for saving my life at the rumble yesterday. You were really brave and I could have been dead right now if it weren't for you." Darry said, and he hugged me. "Darry..." I started. I wanted to get everything off my chest. "Darry...You can't tell anyone, but I want to tell you how I feel and why I did that for you the day of the rumble. I have no family. You guys are like y family, but I can't go home to my mom or dad. I haven't seen my mom in days because she is always working and my dad is rotting in jail. You have a family. You have Pony and Soda. I jumped in front of you because I don't really care if I die. If you die...Everything would go downhill. You have a family to look after. I don't." I finished. Darry was looking down, obviously just realizing how bad my life sucks. That's when Dally walked in. "Babe...I am your family. I love you will all my heart. The gang if your family. We all love you so much. If you died...We don't know what we would do. I love you so much, and if you died..We all know I would kill myself just to be with you." Dally said. I hugged Dally and kissed him. I hugged Darry and kissed his cheek. Carly came into the living room. "Hey Ang...Long time no see." Carly said laughing. "haha yeah. haven't seen you in a while." I said smirking. "If you're feeling up to it...We should go out tomorrow. There is a huge greaser party tomorrow night. IF you are feeling okay we can go shopping and all go to the party. We all need a little break from everything." Carly said. I smiled, looked at the gang who was waiting for my answer. "Sure, i'll go." I said. Everyone hooted and hollered. I laughed and saw Carly kiss Darry. They really do make the perfect couple. 

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