Getting Out

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2 Months Later: Darry's POV

It's been months since Angel was kidnapped. No one was the same. I knew I had to stay strong for the gang. But, everything was different. Nothing was the same. Hell, I didn't feel like getting out of bed some days. Angel was like a little sister to me, and the gang. Well, besides Dally. Dally was taking this the hardest. He finally found someone he actually loved, and she was taken. I looked at the gang in the living room. Everyone looked depressed. Dally...He looked horrible. Dally had bags under his eyes, his eyes were red from crying and lack of sleep, his hair had no grease and was messed up, and his usual stone cold face was full of emotions. I felt horrible for everyone, but I felt horrible myself as well. The gang was NOT the same. Carly and I were now dating, but she is depressed and always crying about Angel. We missed her a lot. Everyone was at our house eating our breakfast in silence, hoping Angel would make it out alive, or we would find her.

Angel's POV

2 months later, I  finally feel stronger again. The Socs obviously started to realize that I was getting stronger, because they now only fed me every 3 days. I felt good about today. When the Socs would come downstairs to give me breakfast, I would fight. I would fight them. This would be the most important fight of my life. I need to get out of here. I have been hurt, abused, and -Raped. I didn't even know until I woke up after being drugged. I felt pain in my back and legs. I cried, but that was the only other time I cried here. It was around 12:00 and I knew I had to get ready to fight. I warmed up, and I got ready to start my plan. 

I heard 2 men coming down the stairs. I was quiet. The room I was in was small, and to get to the door there was a little hallway. I climbed up the door frame and held myself against the ceiling using my arms and legs. As long as they didn't look up, I would be okay. The Socs came through the door with my food, water, rope, and a blindfold. I guess today they would have raped me as well. This plan better work. 

The Socs walked under me and I could tell they were scared that I got out. As soon as they went to look under the bed, I jumped out from my spot silently and ran out the door. The Socs didn't even know. I was so close to the door outside when I felt someone grab me. It was the a really tough, big Soc. He grabbed me and I kicked him in the balls, punched him in the throat, and kicked his back while he was crouched over-causing him to fall. I ran out the door. I ran as fast as I could. 4 Socs were following me, but I just kept hearing Dally's voice in my head..."Run baby. Run." I was running even faster now finding myself running towards the Curtis's house. The Socs were still following me, but I had a comfortable lead. I made it to the house and I slammed open the door and fell to the ground. "Hey guys, what's new?" 

Dally's POV

I don't even want to live anymore. I hate the Socs. They took away the one person I truly love. I was sitting on the couch when I heard a lot of running footsteps coming this way. Then, BAM! The door crashes open with a skinny, dirty, beaten Angel laying on the floor out of breath. She looks up at our stunned faces and says, "Hey guys, what's new?" I started to cry. I think everyone did. I ran up to go hug her when she slid back out the door yelling. I ran to Angel. She was being pulled by 4 Socs. My face burned with anger. And when the whole gang came out and saw who had Angel, their faces burned with anger too. I was just about to go rip the Socs faces off when Johnny ran over and punched one of the Socs and knocked them out cold. Johnny's face was still red with anger but he came over to the gang anyways. Then the gang started to beat the guys until they were half dead. Then, I carried Angel back inside to clean her up, and talk about what happened.

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