Party Time!!

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Soon it was time to get ready for the party. The party was at 8:00 PM so we all started to get ready around 6:45-7:00. 

The boys all wore tuxes and the girls (Just me and Carly) wore dresses. I was very excited for the party. I would let loose and just have a good time. Everyone decided that there should be someone that doesn't get drunk tonight so 1, we have a ride home, and 2, someone can look after us. We all decided that should be Soda since he doesn't really drink anyways.

It was soon 8:00 I had my dress on, let my hair down, wore a little bit of makeup, and wore black heels. I thought I looked really nice. I walked downstairs with Carly, and we all got in Soda's car. 

We got to the party and it was awesome. The whole gang was here except for Darry, and as soon as we got there, Carly and I got a drink, Pony and Johnny went to look around, and Soda, Steve, Two Bit, and Dally went to the dance floor. 

I was laughing and having a good time. Everyone was dancing. Carly and I were wasted, Dally was still drinking and dancing, Ponyboy and Johnny were sober, but they were having a good time. Steve and Two bit were also drunk and dancing. Soda was dancing, but stayed sober because he was our ride home. I grabbed Soda's hand and we started to dance. Dally joined in and we all had our own dance circle going. I told Soda I was going to get another drink. "Be back in 2 minutes or I am going to look for you." Soda said. "Alright, Alright." I replied.

I went to the bar to grab a drink when some weird guy said, "Hey doll can I get you a drink?" I laughed. "Not if you were the last man on earth and I was dying of thirst." I said, still sassy even though I am drunk. "Can I at least get you a drink?" The man asked. I looked in my wallet. No money. I just had some earlier..."Sure what the heck." I said throwing my arms up. The man got me a drink and I took it. I took a sip and I made eye contact with Soda. I started to walk over when the man grabbed my arm and started to pull me. "What the he...." The man covered my mouth. He dragged me into a room. All of the sudden I started to feel a little loopy. "Get the fuck" I was having a hard time speaking. I felt sleepy, but the man started to take my dress off. "No....s..s...stop." I said. All of the sudden the door slammed open and Soda was standing in the doorway. "" I said. The man whirled around right into Soda. Soda punched the man and threw him against the wall with his arm on the man's throat. "You get the fuck outta here before you regret it." Soda said through his teeth. I saw the blurry man run out of the room, and an equally blurry Soda run to me and kneel down where the bed was. "Angel? Angel are you okay?!" Soda asked. Soda put his hand on the back of my head to try and lift me up. I felt super cold and I shivered. Soda wrapped his jacket around me. I started to cry weakly and Soda picked me up bridal style and sat me on the bed. Soda rocked me and whispered, "It's okay, he's gone. I will never let that happen to you again." I nodded and leaned into Soda's chest. I started to fall asleep. I felt Soda run me outside, probably to the car to go home, and I was thankful.

Soda's POV

I ran Angel to the car. I can't believe someone drugged her and tried to rape her...AGAIN! We need to leave the party. It's 1:00 AM anyways. I ran inside and grabbed the gang. Two Bit instantly got in the car when I told him what happened even though we was drunk. Steve said no when I told him we were leaving, but when I told him about Angel he ran outside to get in the car. I didn't have to explain myself to Pony and Johnny, they got in the car gladly. I found Dally drinking at the bar. "Dal, man, we are leaving." I said. "nooooooo." Dally slurred. "Dal. Angel got drugged. Some guy tried to rape her. We need to leave. Now." I said seriously. Dally got so angry you'd think he could punch, and break, a window. "Where. Is. The. Guy." Dally said with his fists clenched. I looked around and spotted him hitting on another girl. "Make it quick, Dal." I said understanding why Dally would want to find the guy. Dally marched over to the guy and punched him, probably breaking his nose. Then Dally knocked him out and spit on him. Dally walked back over to me, suddenly sober, and asked, "Now where is my Angel?" 

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