Soda? Steve?

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I was riding my motorcycle around town looking for Carly's house. Carly had given me an address to her house in case I was ever in Tulsa, or if I wanted to visit her. I finally found the house and knocked on the door. Carly appeared. I think it took her a second to realize who I am, because 5 seconds later she jumped up and down and hugged me. "ANGEL! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Carly said. "What're you doing here?" she then asked. All I said was my dad, and she knew what happened. "You can stay here if you want." Carly said. I smiled. I missed Carly. She now lived alone, and she was also beaten by her parents. Just as bad as me, except she had two parents. I had one parent. 

I told Carly I would be going out. It was around 5:00PM. It was still light out. I got my motorcycle and rode around Tulsa. I spotted Steve and Soda walking with a couple other guys. One specific guy caught my eye though. He had dark brown hair with ice blue eyes. He looked as if he had no expressions. I liked that. I liked him. I rode up beside them. "Hey Soda, Steve." I said cooly. "Hey! How's it going?" Soda asked. "Okay, just riding around Tulsa. What do you guys do around here for kicks?" I asked. Soda told me they were going to the movies and they wanted me to come. I caught eyes with the guy I saw before. "Hey doll what's your name? I am Dally." He said. I figured he came from New York cause I could hear his accent. "The name's angel. Don't let the name fool ya." I said and winked at him. The guy with red sideburns next to Dally whistled and said, "Ya sure are badass aren't ya? I haven't seen a girl ride a motorcycle. And A nice one at that." he said. "Well if you see me around often, maybe I could change that?" I smiled. I put my sunglasses down. "I gotta go do something. I'll catch you guys later at that movie. Got it?" "Got it." They all replied. 

I went to Carly's and put my motorcycle in her garage. I told her I would be walking around and meeting up with the guys. "You be careful. Got it? These Socs have been jumping greasers so often lately. I don't want you getting hurt." Carly said. "I'll be fine Carly." I said. "Do you have a blade?" She asked. "No, but I got these suckers." I said holding up my fists. "Alright but you be careful, ya hear?" Carly finished. "Ya, I hear you." I said, and then left. 

I was walking for a while when a black mustang pulled up and was tailing me slowly. "Well would ya look at this hot broad?" Someone in the car said. "Yeah she is HOT. Not a trace of ugly in her." I looked up. "Yeah, maybe not in me, but Ugly starts with U." I said smirking. Some guys in the car started to laugh a little. "Boys. Get her." One said. The boys piled out and surrounded me. There were 5. Pathetic. I thought. This'll be too easy. 

Dally's POV

Man. That girl earlier...Was hot! She was badass, and not like any other greaser in this town. She was beautiful, badass, and didn't dress like a slut like every other greaser girl. I also heard a slight New York accent in her.

 I decided I would start walking to Bucks to get a little boozed up before the movies. Soda told me that Angel was coming. I was excited, but I didn't show it. I was walking to Bucks when I spotted Angel with 5 Socs around her. This cannot be good. I started to walk a little closer to them, but I stayed hidden. I would only come out if they hit her. I hardly knew her, but I felt so protective of her. I only heard Bob talking. He said, "With a hot body like yours, we could have a lotta fun." Then, Angel said, "With a body like yours, I don't think anyone would be having a good time." I knew she shouldn't have said anything because they would hit her, but I had to admit, that shit was funny. She WAS badass. After Angel said what she said Bob threw a punch. I started to speed walk over ready to fight, but, get this...Angel CAUGHT the punch. Then, she twisted Bob's arm up, and punched him in the face. He was out cold. Damn. That's hot. Then Randy started to come at her.  She kneed him in the balls, then punched him in the nose. (Which was now broke) Randy, was out cold. The other guys ran off. I saw Angel smile to herself and wiped off her hands. I was losing my shit. THIS, right here, was my girl. I didn't think of anyone else but her. I planned to make her mine. 

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