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Darry made us all dinner. No one changed out of their bathing suits because we all agreed to go in the lake later for night swimming. 

After eating, I noticed the boys were wrestling. Everyone was wrestling but Darry and Dally. I smirked and made my way over to them. 

"So guys, not fighting cause y'all ain't strong enough?" I joked. "I'll take you on Ang." Darry said laughing. "Two of us against you...That'll be too easy." Dally laughed. "We'll see about that." I smirked. "OOOOO GIRL FIGHT." Two bit screamed. I laughed. This would be too easy. 

The boys circled around Dally, Darry, and I. This would be fun. 

Darry immediately came at me. I flipped him over my back and pushed Dally away. Dally came at me again and I went under his legs, and kicked his back, making him fall down. Darry grabbed my arms. Oh well, guess I have to fight with my feet. I made sure Darry had a strong grip on me, he did. Then I slowly filpped backwards so I was on Darry's shoulders. Because of Darry holding on to me, I could do this. All the boys were yelling and amazed. I was laughing. I wrapped my leg around Darry's neck and fell off Darry, so Darry fell with me. Dally started to come at me. I put my hand on Dally's chest and kissed Dally on the lips. all the boys yelled, "ewww." I wrapped my arms around Dally's neck and kept kissing him. Then I kicked Dally's legs away from him and he fell to the ground. All of the sudden Darry grabbed me and threw me to the ground. My shoulder cracked. It sounded like I broke my bone, but I didn't. I am double jointed to I could crack my shoulders on command. I started moaning in pain, and stayed on the ground to trick the boys. Darry ran over to me. "Oh my god Angel. I am so sorry!" Dally ran over to me. "Baby are you okay?" He asked. I rolled over and smirked at the boys who looked super scared. Two Bit smiled. I grabbed Darry and Dally's arms and put them to the ground. "I thought this was going to be harder." The boys including Darry and Dally laughed. "You are one tough girl ain't ya?" Darry asked. "I guess" I said laughing.

Later everyone decided we would go exploring. The sun hadn't set yet, so we all ventured off. While we were going through the woods, I spotted a rope swing.. "Hey, guys, look!" I yelled. The whole gang started to run to the tire swing. I took off my cover up, earning a low whistle from Two Bit. Two bit got smacked upside the head from both Darry and Dally.  I ran and jumped on the rope swing and flipped into the water. Soon, the whole gang joined me. We watched the sunset in the water. Then, of course, we had a chicken fight again. Dally and I won. Again. Overall it was an amazing night.

We all walked back to our tents to sleep. Steve, Two Bit, and Johnny shared a tent. Darry, Soda, and Pony shared a tent. And finally, Dallas and I shared a tent. I got into my sleeping bag next to Dally. It was hot outside so I was wearing a black crop top, and black shorts. {I got out of my sleeping bag and laid on top of Dally, kissing him. Dally and I kissed for a while. Then, Dally and I held each other, and fell asleep. 

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