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On the day of the meeting, Ada dressed conservatively, donning a pair of faux-prescription glasses.

She went over and over what she would say. When the moment came for her to speak, she feared what might filter past her lips. Gun at her hip, she needn't worry about words anyway.

She left her station wagon at the hotel. In an emergency, the State send out an electronic pulse to disable all vehicles in a mile radius. She didn't want her car abandoned to the authorities once she was done killing herself a congressman. Public transportation did her just as well. She mapped a safe walking route for the return journey.

After stepping out of the hotel, she stopped for coffee, even chatting pleasantly with a young man who flirted with her.

He had blonde hair and a muscled frame. Not really her type, but he had a nice smile. He was also cocky as hell, and asked too many questions. Usually, she told dudes like him to "fuck off", but this morning, blending in was essential. She kept her answers vague as she stirred sugar into her coffee, then wished him a good day. While no one was looking, she taped a package to the underside of the outdoor table. On her way out of the particle archway, she waved goodbye to the young man.

She bought her ticket at the Marta station and waited. There was a grinding of metal on metal as the monorail arrived. The chrome exterior created a blinding effect with the brilliance of the yellow sun rebounding off the surface.

Onboard the monorail, it was all white plastic and cramped seating. Two panel interfaces were at either end of the car, broadcasting local news. The car held one passenger and Ada.

A woman with black hair and almond eyes smiled at her. She did not return the smile.

The woman muttered, "Prominent bitch," then moved to the back of the car.

Ada beamed.

After three stops, the train arrived at the right street. She exited through the dissipating doors. On the platform, she flicked her wrist, activating a map display. A dark-skinned man exited the same monorail two cars down. For a flashing second, he looked familiar, but he walked away, and she dismissed the déjà vu.

"Your end destination is near. Keep walking north," the interface told her.

She strode a few blocks down from the station.

"Go straight for fifty yards, then make a left." She increased her pace. "You are two minutes from your destination. Please turn left."

A building with large columns came into view. To the left was the city courthouse, and to the right, the tax office. Standing sentinel over the building were two mercenary bots. She had never seen military tech before entering Atlanta.

The bots were expensive and could be found guarding financial or government institutions in major cities. Their shiny exteriors glinted in the sunlight, and their dual-laser weapons were up, not down as with most bots. No chances taken at a government building. Black panels served as their faces, watching and waiting for their chance to shoot.

Ada felt a connection with the tech as she passed, albeit a resistant one. Cracking their encryption codes would take work. She walked on.

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