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In the morning, Kressick was the first out to the car. He hadn't spoken to Ada the night before, and after they woke, the tension in the air was palpable. Even still, she felt no hesitation over her decision. Guilt maybe, but not hesitation.

The guilt came because she knew she would have to see the stranger one last time as she left the hotel. She wasn't aware of another exit, and so was forced to face up to what she had done again. How had he survived the night? Sleeping must have been an exercise in futility. Were his limbs tired or just numb?

All her guilt and wondering came to nothing, because the spot where the man stood was empty. Two slight depressions in the carpet verified he had been there for a while. Her programming must've worn off. Either that, or a Good Samaritan had hauled him off on a hand-truck.

She scanned the hallway, making sure she was alone. He would likely seek retaliation. Her hand settled on the Nolecet at her side. A minute passed while she waited. No one jumped out to assault her. The man must have better things to do than petty revenge.

Not me, though.

Ada rounded every corner slowly, one hand raised, light crackling from her fingertips. To an outside observer, it might've appeared comical, but she didn't care.

Finally, she made it to the parking lot. Kressick was sitting in the car, passenger side. She tossed her bag into the backseat and climbed into the driver's side.

Kressick avoided looking at her. Though she rather would've rode on in awkward silence, she chanced a longer conversation by asking:

"Did you see that guy again?"

Kressick gingerly sipped his coffee. "His name is Shylar. And no, he was gone."

"Wonder how he got free."

Her statement hung in the air.

Then, Kressick faced her. "You're too impulsive. It will get you killed."


She fiddled with the food modulator, peeking occasionally at Kressick, who seemed content to enjoy his coffee.

"Shouldn't you, like, legally be drinking tea?"

He grunted in response, clearly not wishing to chat anymore.

Wordlessly, she set the interface to automatic. The car reversed out of the parking space, announcing the presence of an idle vehicle in proximity.

Ada noted the car's safety warning, but didn't think anything of the second car leaving the lot at the same time hers did.

~ * ~

A mission. Shylar thought he could handle a mission. No, he knew he could handle a mission.

He didn't know how he knew, but the knowing came from a deep well inside of him. From him, yet not him. That same deep well instructed him to steal a car and follow the woman he had harassed the night before. Even if he lost sight of her along the way, he knew her ultimate destination. Shylar knew so much.

Like that the woman had hazel eyes, but sometimes they would blaze blue. He shook his head. Her eye color was not part of the instructions. Or were they? Where did the thought come from? Hell, where did the instructions come from?

Error. He had his mission, and he had to see it through as per his instructions. That, and the other thing. He could do that too. He had his gun, and his cunning. It would be easy.

She was just a woman. A girl. It would be easier if he thought of her as just a girl.


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