Chapter 20: Gone

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Chapter 20: Gone

The misty autumn air struck Heruseus' lungs sharply, his quick breaths made visible. The ground fit his foot perfectly as he ran, each breath perfectly filled his lungs, only to be blown out quickly. He felt his stomach tighten and fell to the cold sidewalk concrete.

The elevator dinged and the five Hearts sprinted out. The moment they reached the exit of the school, a cold and brisk gust of air blew onto them as Mel opened the door.

"Damn it's cold!" Psytrin hugged himself as his lips trembled. He then stuck his arms into the thin t-shirt he wore.

Mel pointed to her right before she adjusted her beanie, "c'mon, Laina's house is this way. Just a couple miles away from here."

"What about Theo?" Chumbus shivered.

Lizardon grunted, "we'll find that idiot on the way, c'mon. Let's start moving before Neuman bites our frozen asses." The five walked in the direction Mel pointed. The began running as they watched Heruseus collapse. Lizardon stopped and rolled his eyes, "told you so." Two cars swerved besides him and pulled him into the first one. "S-shit!" Lizardon began to sprint. A person got out from behind and went to the passenger side of the car.

"Hey!" Executioner shouted out. He held his arms up as he ran, "stop right there! He's ours!"

The stopped at the car and sighed out of relief. Daggero smiled at the gang as Heruseus breathed steadily in the back seat. He clutched his gut as he groaned. Daggero mumbled, "he just has a stomach cramp. Over exaggerating like always."

Valor rolled down his window in the a black Nissan GTR behind Daggero's somewhat purple Honda Accord. Valor's GTR had two bright red streaks of red down the front of his car, which seemed to glow in the cloudy sunlight. He stuck his head out and shouted, "well? What are you guys waiting for?! Get in already."

Chumbus nodded, he and Executioner ran towards Valor with Mel not too far behind him, "Luke, Claus, go with Jacob, we'll take the lead with Mel. Melody, sit in the front so you can tell Doug where to go."

"Sounds good," Lizardon opened the passenger seat door to find Kat giggling as she pulled her chair up.

"Hurry and get in," she laughed as she pointed her thumb to the back seats.

Psytrin ran to other side and forced Heruseus to sit up. He sighed as he put on his seatbelt and looked to Heruseus, who was still breathing slowly, "you good, man?"

Heruseus looked to him with tired eyes, "are we going to Laina's?" His face scrunched together as he felt his stomach tighten again.

Lizardon slapped his leg and laughed, "yeah, you need to chill dude."

Daggero looked back at the three of them, and then to Valor across from him. "All good!" he shouted as he slammed the top of his car. He rolled up the window and turned on the heater as Valor gave him a thumbs up. He backed up and allowed Valor to take charge before following quickly behind him.

"Why are you up?" Lukas asked Zinthos as he rose up from his bed.

Zinthos yawned, "did my part, the group is out right now. Just gonna chill for a little."

"Lukas, it's fine," Chris cracked his fingers and began typing quickly on the computer. "I needed a time for him to get out anyway. Max, you're too far behind to be any help. I'm going to hack into your account and just level you up to the max. The weapon Chumbus gave you failed to accept you, but don't worry, I'll rewrite its code so that it does."

(II) Hearts of Light: Mythical Magical Onlineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن