t w e l v e

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"There you are!" Nate shouts and I turn around to smile at him.

I put my phone away, after sending a "Where the hell are you people??!!" To my two only friends. I need them here if I was making it out alive.

"I was just getting another beer." I say smiling.

"Try this." He says giving me his cup.

I hesitated before trying it, because I wasn't in the mood of getting roofie, but I ended up drinking it anyways.

"It tastes great!" I tell him, and he smiles proud.

"Want me to make you one?" He asks, and I nod.

After two cups of that I started feeling way too happy. It felt nice.

"Want to dance?" He asks, and I didn't even think it twice.

It seemed like Eva and Jeremy weren't coming, so I decided to have some fun. After the third cup Nate seemed hotter, is not like he wasn't extremely handsome before, but I didn't hate him anymore. So, when he kissed me, I kissed him back.

Christopher was staring at me from the other side of the room, and he didn't seem happy about our make-out session, but I didn't care about that.

We kept dancing, and I even forgot I was hungry or that I hated myself on the first place. So, after the fourth cup I asked Nate if he wanted to come upstairs. He said yes, and I showed him the way.

"This is my room." I whisper pushing him inside.

He drank a huge sip from the bottle in his hand and laughed. I don't know who was drunker.

"Is perfect." He whispers pulling me closer to him.

I take my shoes off and push him on my bed. "You like it?" I whisper sitting on his lap and pulling him closer to me by his shirt.

"A lot." Was all he said before kissing me again.

I knew what was supposed to happen next, so I was glad about the brazilian wax I had on Thursday for my gymnastics practices.

He pulled the zipper of my dress down and I moan, feeling a strange feeling between my legs. I felt him get hard soon after he heard me, and I smile. I grabbed the bottle from his hand and took a huge sip of it before putting it on the floor, next to my dress.

I lay in bed while he takes his shirt off, but suddenly all I wanted was to sleep. He gets on top of me and stares at my matching lace underwear and kisses me again, but after a few minutes he was suddenly pulled away from me.

"Nate?" I ask having trouble keeping my eyes open.

I see two shadows arguing by the door, so I stand up. I think it was Christopher the other person, but I was not sure, but Nate wasn't here anymore.

"Nate?" I ask again stumbling with the bottle on the floor. "Why don't we finish what we started?" I murmur laughing and falling, but someone quickly grabbed my arms and prevented me from falling. "Nate?" I ask again, not sure if it was him.

"Let's get you in bed." He whispers but his voice didn't sound the same anymore.

"I think I'm too drunk." I laugh, putting my hands arrow his neck. "Your voice doesn't even sound the same anymore." I whisper kissing him again, but it felt different this time.

"You're more than drunk." He replies grabbing me and putting me in my bed.

"Where are you going?" I ask standing up again. It was so dark in my room right now it was hard to see. "What time is it?" I ask feeling a watch on his hand, that wasn't there before. "Where did you get this?" I ask pushing him on my bed again. I think it said two am, but I wasn't sure, since everything seem so blurry and dark.

I get on top of him again and start kissing his neck, but he wasn't that into it anymore.

"Nate?" I moan kissing him again and putting my hand between his thighs.

"Stop." He whispers trying to push me off, but I felt him hard against my hand.

I fell next to him in the bed, and for a moment he looked like Christopher, but I wasn't sure, because the light of the car that came through my window disappeared in a matter of seconds.

"Chris?" I whisper feeling my eyes heavy again.

"You need to sleep Katherine." I think he said and I feel him putting my bed sheets over me.

"Whatever you say Nathaniel." I reply falling asleep.

Opening my eyes, the next day was the worse decision I've ever made. My head felt so heavy and it wouldn't stop throbbing, it feels like it may explode any second now. But what came next was even worse, I was glad I made it on time to the bathroom, because I wasn't in the mood of cleaning my own vomit.

I went downstairs slowly, and saying the house was a mess was an understatement. I grabbed a cup of water and went back upstairs. It was one in the afternoon and I wonder when I went to sleep.

I was making my way to my room when I heard Christopher calling me from his room.


"Why are you screaming!" I shout entering his room.

"Drink this." He says handing me a pill.

I drink whatever it was he gave me and threw myself on his bed.

"Who is cleaning that mess downstairs?" I ask, and he looks at me confuse. "What?" I ask frowning.

"Us." He replies, still staring at me.

"Why?" I ask covering myself with his pillow. "We have maids!"

"I gave them the day off." He says shrugging, but he kept staring at me with a strange face. "Don't want my father finding out about the party. So, pull yourself together because we have to clean everything before I get your sister at four."

I glare at him, and he frowns crossing his arm.

"What?" I ask staring at him.

"About last night." He says confuse.

"What about last night?" I ask quickly sitting up straight. "Wait." I say standing up.

"Don't tell me..." I say closing my eyes. "Don't tell me I slept with Nathaniel?" I ask with wide eyes. "I drank too much didn't I?" I ask freaking out. "I did, didn't I." I whisper taking a sit back on his bed.

I lost my virginity to a boy I hardly know, so drunk that I don't even remember it.

"I probably did." I whisper having a mental breakdown. "I mean that would explain me waking half naked, my dress on the floor." He keeps looking at me with that same expression that didn't help at all. "Say something for Christ sake!" I shout staring at him.

"You didn't sleep with Nate." He replies shrugging.

I sigh in relief throwing myself back on his bed. "Thank you, Jesus."

"It's me you should be thanking." He says. "I was the one that stopped the two of you from making a mistake. I don't know which was more drunk. You two are not a good combination together. Almost drank the whole house." He says frowning. "You need to start learning some self-control. Not only with alcohol, sexually speaking too."

"Okay this conversation is officially over." I say leaving his room.

The only positive side effects of my hangover were, not having an appetite for the rest of the day. Which meant, I didn't only fast for one, but for two days.

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