Chapter 31: The City Of Love

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June 2028

Paris, France

It's now 3 months since our tour started. Every night seems to get better and better. It seems like every night, the screams from fans grow. But it's fun to watch them be entertained. With Harry's continuous Stand-Up, to our covers on stage, to the water fights, to the lyric changes. And the list goes on.

But today we're in the city of love. Paris, France.

It's been a dream of mine to come here. But I didn't want to go with just anybody. I wanted to go with someone who I'll love till the end. Now that I found that person, I can really enjoy Paris.

It's another one of our off days. So we're venturing the city. But with no bodyguards. We kind of forgot that part. But we can get through it. It's not like fans are gonna find us.

Anyways, we also realized that we don't have a translator. But, maybe Jonah can help since he did French till his bachelors.

"Hey babe." I say.
"Yea." He says
"So, you may have to do all of us a favour?" I say.
"What will that favour be?" He says.
"Well, you're the only one here who knows French probably more than all of us combined." Zayn says.
"Don't you know French Celeste?" Harry asks.
"Welllll...... I kinda dropped French after I got the credit in Grade 9. So, I kinda forgot all my French." I say.
"Okay okay. I'll see what I can do." Jonah says.
"Yay!" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"You know, we wouldn't be surviving without you." Niall says.
"Speaking of surviving, lets get some food. I'm getting hungry at this point." Niall adds.
"Niall mate, you're always hungry." Louis says and we all laugh.

We all stop by a little cafe and we all get into the line. Luckily, no one surprisingly knows who we are. We can all get used to this.

Then Jonah gets up and heads for the line to order our drinks. We then watch him from the distance.

Jonah's P.O.V

Since I was the one who knew the most French, I went to the cab register to order our drinks.

(A/N- The next part will be Jonah speaking in French. The English translation will be in brackets so you know what they're saying.)

"Bonjour monsieur. Comment puis-je vous aider?" The waiter asked (Hello sir. How may I help you)
"Bonjour. Puis je obtenir 6 cafés rôtis noirs avec un thé vert?" I say. (Hello, can I get 6 coffees dark roast with a green tea?")
"D'accord monsieur. 6 cafés rôtis noirs avec un thé vert s'il vous plaît?" The waiter says. (Okay sir. 6 coffees dark roast with a green tea please.)
"Ce sera un total de $9.94" The waiter says. (That'll be a total of $9.94)
"D'accord." I say. (Okay.)

Then I pay and wait a few minutes.

"6 cafés et un thé vert" The waiter says. (6 coffees and a green tea.)
"Merci." I say. (Thank You.)
"De rien." (You're Welcome.)

I grab the drinks and head over to the table.

Celeste's P.O.V

Jonah comes back with all of our drinks. I give him a kiss on the cheek for going up there and using the language.

"Good job babe!" I say.
"Thanks." Jonah says.

After we headed out of the café, we headed to our hotel. We've walked around Paris for a while. Then we stop by a painter and Harry and Louis start to do something funny. After watching Harry's Carpool Karaoke with James Corden, I know exactly what they're gonna do.

"Jack." Harry says.
"What?" Louis says.
"Could you paint me like one of your French girls?" Harry says.
We all start to laugh. But what made us look like fools is when Harry looked at his shoulder like a girl.

It was the scene coming to life. In a more less death like way.

*At The Hotel*

We all head back to the hotel and into our room. Yes our. The room that management booked in Paris was a penthouse room. It was amazing though.

I went into the bathroom to set up a bath while the guys were playing Fortnite. Typical boys. But to be fair, it is an interesting game.

30 mins later

I was able to enjoy my peace in the huge bathroom. It felt very empty because of all the room around it.

I put my long sweatpants with Jonah's hoodie on and head to the living room.

If you were to imagine our room, think of it as the home that looks like the penthouse in the show Jessie. (A/N- Comment below if you remember the show Jessie)

I grab my phone and head over to the couch and I sit on Jonah's lap.

"Hey is that my sweater?" Jonah asks.
"Well, I thought about wanting something comfy and your sweater was the first thing I saw." I say.
"I like it on you." He says.
"Aww Thanks." I say. Then he brings me into a small kiss.

Omg! Jonah and I had a kiss in the city of love. Can this trip get any better?!

I then start to play with the guys.
The teams or how people in fortnite say it squads. Anyways, the squads were Louis, Liam and I. Then it was Harry, Jonah, Zayn and Niall.

All of us were on our phones. Since we all decided not to use the PS4 today.

20 mins later

"We won!" Liam, Louis, and I shouted.
"What! How?!" The other guys said.
"It was Celeste." Liam and Louis say in unison.
"Celeste can you be on our team next time?!" Niall, Harry, Zayn and Jonah said.
"Maybe. But, it's most likely Jonah and I are gonna team up next time." I say while blushing. Jonah doing the same.
"Awww." They all say!
"I see we have 2 people that are in love. In the city of love." Louis says.
We all laugh.

Then the rest of the night is us indoors. We've done so much today when we were walking around. I got to see the Eiffel Tower, Jonah had to speak French and Harry and Louis made a funny Science come to life. Can the day get any better.

We order room service and we kept playing Fortnite. Then Niall broke his guitar out and started playing. We sang to a few songs and then called it a night.


Hey guys!
I'm finally back with a new chapter.
Oh I'm so glad I'm posting here again.
I love this story too much.

Anyways, since I haven't posted on this story in a long while, I care up with a Louis Tomlinson fanfic called 'Wait.....I'm Louis Tomlinson's Sister?!?!'

Check that story out in my profile.

Also, hopefully I'll be able to type a part to 'New Beginnings' and post it before I leave for my 2 week vacation.

I want to thank Athirai25 for taking me out of my writers block and helping me with this chapter.

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And I'll see ya on the next chapter

A Dream That Became A RealityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora