Chapter 18: Plans For The Tour

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December 2027

Celeste's P.O.V

So it's been a while since Julie and Lucy, I miss them a lot and I wished they could've stayed longer. Or lived in London like my parents but they have there lives to care about.  But the guys and I are headed to see management to talk about something in the works.

As we get there, we picked up Alice to show the guys she isn't as bad as they thought she is. Bringing her to the place will show that she's capable of keeping herself occupied while we're in the meeting.

We get to the office and I then tell Alice "Hey, we're gonna take a long while so just stay near the front entrance area."
She nods and sits on the purple couches as if she knew the place.

Then Liam comes to me as we head to the office "Are you sure she'll stay at the lobby area?" Then I say "She doesn't even know where anything is. Trust me, there's nothing she could do."

Alice's P.O.V

Well, well, well. Looks like everyone is heading for the meeting. Oooo, while I'm here, I could do some damage to them as a start.

I get up from the couch and start walking around. As I'm walking around I get some weird stares but every time I'd get them, I'd just say "I'm just helping the band with something." Being the stupid employees they are, I get away with it.

I'm still wondering what to do to them to start. The place is really huge. So should I steal something? Should I mess up one of the rooms? There's so many things I could do here.
Man, if Celeste wasn't this gullible, I wouldn't be able to do this.

But then, I end up heading to the last room I've seen. It looks like the studio room.
Being the sneaky self I am, I go in hoping no one is in there. Luckily as I go in, it's empty.
I start to look around and admire the space. For a very popular boy band, this is one heck of a studio. It's so massive.

I then start looking very close to see if there's something I do in here. The room is very massive so I go for anything I could.

I then spot a laptop on the sounds area. It's left open and they put the password under a mic. Way to go.
Very dumb move they made.

So I start to search the laptop. See if anything is interesting. Until I come to a file that says "There For You Final Cut"
I open it and plug my headphones to see how t sounds.
I start to hear it at the audio sounds so good. Until Celeste comes on. Ugh I want to stop. It's started to make my ears bleed once I saw her.

Then I try to see what I could do with it.

I then use my magic in hacking to delete all of the song.

Just like that, the song has been erased from the laptop. My work here is done. For now...

Celeste's P.O.V

"Put Portugal on the list." Louis says. While we're in the meeting, we were talking about planning for a tour.

I feel so excited as the thought of preforming live instead of in front of a camera never came to thought.

I laugh as how the guys are just yelling out cities they want to go to.

"How about when we get one of those weeks of tour we go to a tropical island." I say.

The guys seem interested as Simon is getting annoyed with us.

He then says "Okay Guys. We'll plan out the dates and call you in to discuss the press conference."

Since the meeting was over, we all head to the studio.

Once we get to the studio, we see Eli on the laptop worried as if someone went onto it.

"Vas happened Eli?" Zayn asks.
"Guys, th-the s-s-song Th-There F-For Y-You is gone." Eli says while stuttering. "Oh my god! What happened?" I ask.

"Well, in the middle of the meeting, I left since you guys were deciding where you wanted to go for the tour. Then I decided to come into the studio to edit "There For You" and maybe talk with management into releasing it. Then I go onto the laptop and find that the song got deleted." Eli says.
"Well what are we gonna do?" I ask.
"Well, we're all gonna record the song and make it better than the original. Even if we liked the original, we can make it better." Louis says. We all cheer and head into work. As I'm working on my parts, I see the guys talking.

Liam's P.O.V
"K guys. I don't know why but I'm getting the suspicion that Celeste's new creepy friend came in here and did it." I say.
"Payno, are you sure. Cause there's no proof. We can't find anything." Niall says.
"But haven't you seen in the past weeks or so since we've known her. She's been acting strange." I say.
"True mate. I mean, Liam may sound crazy. But then again, didn't you see the death stare she gave me." Harry says.
"Okay...but what would be the reason. There's always a reason." Zayn says.
"Well, we obviously don't know. All we know is that she's creepy like Annabelle and she doesn't talk unless Celeste is around. It could just be her personality. But who knows." Louis says.
"True." I say.
"Liam. I need you in the booth now." Eli says.

Celeste's P.O.V

It's almost nightfall as we've been in the studio all day. Wait! Alice.

"Hey guys, I'm just gonna see if Alice is still here kay"
"Kay." They all say in unison.
Then I hear some footsteps coming towards me.
"Hey, let me come with you." Jonah says.
"Kay fine. But you know I know where everything is." I joke.

It takes us a while to get to the lobby because it's the first time I've gone through the place in the dark. I'm kinda glad Jonah came. Otherwise I'd be lost and scared like a cat.

Once we get to the lobby, Alice is no where to be seen. Jonah and I head to the front desk to see where she might've went.

"Hi, have you seen a girl that was at the purple couches?" I ask the lady at the desk.
"Yes actually. She was looking around the building for you. But since she couldn't find you, she told me to tell you that's she's taken the bus home." She says to me.
"Thank you." I reply.

Why would she leave. Well, we did take a while. Plus we stayed to record the song. Again.
But I guess that's it for today as the guys come from the studio.

"Where did Alice go?" Zayn asks.
"Oh she went home." I reply.

Then we all get into the car and head home.

As we're driving, Liam says "Celeste, we feel like your friend Alice, might've destroyed the track."
"Why would you say think that?" I ask harshly.
"I don't know. Haven't you noticed how suspicious she is." He says.
"Guys, I've already told you. She may be shy. She's still trying to get used to all of this. And if you're wondering why she would've left it's cause we were there basically for the rest of the day. I don't blame her for leaving halfway."
"Okay. But we're just trying to keep you safe." Jonah says.
"Guys, I love it that you care for me so much. But just know, I put my trust in her. I think you should give her a chance. Get to know her."
They all nod and just like that, we're home.


Heyyyy guys!
Im back to posting. I know it's been a while. But thank you for all the support and reads!
It means a lot.

Now that school is over for me basically, I'll be posting more often.
Also, I started a new story call "New Beginnings"
Hopefully you guys check that story on my profile.

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And I'll see ya on the next chapter!

The song I put for this chapter is a mashup of all of their debut songs. It's sounds so good. Hopefully you'll listen to it it while reading the chapter!

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