11.You Left Them Alone?!

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30 minutes later - nervous pacing.

Jimin is anxiously waiting for Namjoon to arrive. It's only been thirty minutes, but Jimin was getting antsy. He has no idea why his little kitten is acting so unlike herself. Jimin finally stopped pacing once he heard the doorbell ring. He quickly makes his way to the front door and opens it, revealing Namjoon with his doctors bag.

"Hyung thank god you're here.", Jimin sighs in relief from the sight of his hyung.

"Where is she? I brought the suppressants.", asked Namjoon.

"She's upstairs playing with Yoongi.", Jimin answers. Before he could even register what was happening, Namjoon pushes Jimin to the side and started heading for the stairs, only for Jimin to stop him. "What's wrong?", he asked.

"You left them alone?! What were you thinking?", Namjoon scolds the younger. He runs up the stairs, with Jimin following closely behind him.

Jimin and Namjoon ascended the stairs, rush to Yoongi's bedroom door and open it. Once the door is open, the two are met with quite a sight.

YN was currently rubbing herself against one of the pillows on Yoongi's bed, while Yoongi was standing at the opposite side of the room touching himself and salivating from the sight of YN.

"Oh my god! What are you two doing?!", Jimin shrieked in horror. His babies were innocent, they shouldn't be doing such things.

Jimin started to rush over to YN to get her to stop rubbing herself in front of everyone, when Namjoon grabbed his arm and stopped him. The younger male gave the older male a questioning look.

"Hyung, what're you—", Jimin starts to ask.

"Stop, stay back Jimin-ah.", Namjoon instructs.

"But why?", Jimin whined.

"Oppa! I-It hurts!", YN whimpered.

Just as Jimin was about to say something a strong scent of strawberries engulfs the air.

"Mmm...hyung do you smell strawberries?", Jimin asks as his mouth begins to water, and his pulse starts to increase.

"Oh no. It's worse than I thought. Come on Jimin-ah we've got to get you out of this room before I give YN her shots.", Namjoon said frantically as he tried to pull the younger away from the kitten that was currently starting her heat.

Jimin fought Namjoon's grasp, he wanted to stay and he wanted to wrap himself in that glorious smell. But Namjoon kept trying to pull him away from the horny hybrids. Although it was all for not, once Yoongi lunged from the corner of the room, and he pounced on top of YN. The hybrid boy rubbed himself against YN's backside as she purred in content. This made Jimin jealous.

"Oh hell no! What has master told you about sharing Yoongi?!", Jimin scolded, catching the attention of the little hybrids. He breaks free from his hyung's grip and walks over to the bed.

At this point Namjoon realized that it was too late to give YN the heat suppressants. There was no way they would work now, and there'd be no point in giving them to her anyway because they would only make her heat even more painful. So Namjoon, being the amazing and responsible hybrid doctor that he is, did the only logical thing left that he could do. He slowly backed out of Yoongi's bedroom, closed the door, ran down the stairs, out the front door, got into his car, and sped off down the street as fast as he could. Cause things were about to get steamy in the Park household.

End of chapter 11.

[a/n: sorry this chapter is so short, the next one will be longer.]

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