5.Paging Doctor Kim

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Later that same day: 5pm

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Later that same day: 5pm

After Yoongi and YN's nap, Jimin was feeling a bit overwhelmed. The two little kittens were already starting to bond with one another. And that bonding entailed; running around the house, playing tag, playing video games and arguing over who had won or cheated, jumping on the furniture, and seeing who could yell the loudest, just to name a few. And Jimin had had enough.

"ENOUGH!", Jimin yelled.

The two hybrids looked at their master with wide eyes. Yoongi was shocked. In the two years he'd lived with Jimin, never once had his master raised his voice.

"Go and play outside. Now!", Jimin demanded, and the little kittens scurried out the back door.

Jimin took a deep breath and took out his phone to call the genius that talked him into getting another hybrid in the first place. Namjoon. The phone rang a few times before Namjoon finally answered.

"Hello Jimin. Did you take my advice and get Yoongi a companion?", asked Namjoon. And Jimin wanted to jump into the phone and smack him one for asking such a question. But luckily for Namjoon that's physically impossible.

"Yeah I did. About that-", Jimin answered.

"What's wrong? Are they not getting along or something?"

"Oh they're getting along just fine.", Jimin deadpanned.

"Then what's the problem Jimin?", questioned Namjoon.

"Well yo-", he started to answer.

"Oppa!!! I'm hungryyyy.", YN whined and pulled on Jimin's pant leg.

"Oppa will make dinner in a minute, okay?", Jimin said as he looked down at the whining hybrid. "But oppa is on the phone right now, so just go play with Yoongi outside.", he ordered and pointed at the open back door. YN uttered a simple 'okay' and skipped back outside.

"As I was trying to say. Why didn't you tell me they'd be so goddamn hyper. You know hyung a little warning would of been nice.", Jimin said. He sounded frustrated.

Hell he was frustrated. And he has absolutely no clue how Jungkook does it. And he'd definitely be asking him later what his secret was. Jimin was cut off from his thoughts when NamJoon started blabbing about something.

"Hyung I didn't hear what you said. Can you repeat that?", he admitted.

"I said...separate them right now, and that I'm on my way.", NamJoon demanded faster than Jimin could process it.

"Separate them, why?", asked Jimin, curious as to why his hyung sounded so concerned.

"Because if you don't they're going to mate with each other. And if you don't want little Yoongi's to be running around, I suggest you separate them. Now!", NamJoon explained.

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